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Rimworld best clothes to sell. Statues, clothes, and leather.

Rimworld best clothes to sell That way you don't need to worry about the chairs you have installed at your tables/workbenches and just sell the overstock. So, you've gotta get rid of it one way or another. If you have a lot of crafters, it's better to do dusters. 1 for statue; 0. Raw leather. It's also the best drug to bring on caravan. Cheers! Early game: anything on hand, but disallow hyperweave just in case I get it. Sep 16, 2023 · As long as you are generating those mats on your own, keep a small working inventory of desired clothing and sell off the rest. Most clothing can be manufactured at the following production stations. I have a tortured artist who is under constant duress, and anytime he gets a creative inspiration (which is often), he cranks out jade or silver sculptures, which sell for 3-4x their resource cost. Side-products which come to me for free. This is also a good way to get the chairs you use everyday to higher quality levels and sell the lower quality stuff. It's a tie between clothing and drugs for me (though I've popped down drugs, yayo is an undisputed king of coin in my colonies). Nov 2, 2018 · Clothes are always in demand. In terms of singular clothing items, the duster is without a doubt the best item in the game. Flak vest IMHO is the best overall piece of armor in entire game. 88 vs 3) and it is beaten by the main cold insulators in the game (alpaca, megasloth, and muffalo wool). So if dead raiders drop helmets and armor of decent quality, grab it up and put it in priority stockpiles or on shelves near a gather point for drafting. Set up a clothing policy that has your pawns changing that out when it hits 52%. There are ways to go around this with arresting the person or simply loading a transport pod, but it takes some time and u know how it goes on the rim, the disaster always ha Nov 10, 2024 · An effective tool for ensuring that only quality garments from a tailoring bench are retained is to set your colonists to only wear clothes above a certain quality level using the 'Assign' tab. They very rarely buy anyting else, but they will always buy weed and booze as much as they can. you can get your colonists wearing any clothes. They do require 80 materials, however, which means you may need 2 stacks of each textile. Well, there is a way to give the prisoner some clothes, but there is no way to force them to wear them as you would a normal pawn. Apr 1, 2022 · Knowing what the best Rimworld Clothing are can be the difference between life and death in the rim. General rule of thumb, while thrumbo fur is one of the best materials for “armor” clothing, its not it’s “best use”. Parkas have a very high cost / material ratio so they're good for training and selling. Depending if the mod has price options. While some people put in dedicated effort to farm any variety of cash crops, I find the best is just to sell all the leather from all the dead raiders that you will inevitably have whether you want them or not. May 4, 2016 · set up textile industry. in assign, make sure your clothing policies require the clothing to be 51%-100% (and not tainted) that way pawns drop the item when it's tattererd next step is to apply the same to your stockpiles and shelves. Then w/vanilla clothing get more detailed as per what type of pawn you want career skilled clothes for or skill attribute allocation as you desire. A basic devilstrand duster will have a market value of 475 silver. Some are more labor intensive which adds more value (dusters are best for that, just look at the ratio between materials and work required), some, like t-shirts are great leather dump which you can churn out quicker but they add a little less value for work done. Tailoring stuff is barely profitable, if you make "normal" quality stuff then it is worth the same as the material its made of (IIRC), but you waste your time and electricity. A easy way to maintain clothing is create a bill on a smelter for Burn/Destroy apparel. Dusters are the best vanilla. Visitors will buy stuff left in their guestroom, so place a guest bed and create a stockpile with some drugs for them to buy. While Tribalwear's "Value / Work" remains uncontested, "Value / Material" and "Value / Weight" both have been usurped by the new recipes. Im not sure you really need to worry about maxing efficiency to that degree in 99% of games. That Q is quality that is best to maximize and that means usage of best crafter available. Once they are uninstalled they will sell (just like artwork, if you sell that) like anything else. Wetshaving is how barbers used to get the ultrasmooth shave of legends. If you're just looking to sell, the actual stats on the items don't matter. Healroot too. Dusters are better for armor vs parka is best if in cold climates, hats depends what effect you want mostly, although most swear cowboy is best in warmer temps. I just have a hard time watching people play with pause because there is so little downtime. Any clothing under normal quality or under 61% durability gets furnaced. Some wools beat it for making parkas and bedrolls, but just generally making all your clothes and furniture out of devilstrand will give you high grade stuff. With a bit of wool from your farm animals , some cloth from your crops, and maybe some leather from hunting , you have an untapped source of money waiting to be used. Seems also bit more appropriate than clothes, or they're special armours. Dusters are the best profit/labor ratio in vanilla rimworld. This way, you can ensure they only wear the best clothes, and you can leave the inferior quality clothes to sell. Sell off all your armor that you have replacements for. NOTE: Mar 7, 2022 · 2 full rotations of seasons is all the Rimworld experience I have. Yup. If not i dont buy it. I prefer yayo because a mental break could lead to drug binge and flake has a 5% addiction chance while yayo is only 1%. +1 quality and other bonuses are the best. It's a steady/reliable method of protein, so I don't have to go through the time/effort of having a dedicated hunter and risking my best shooter to a man hunter event or being caught out in the open during a raid. What am I going to do with Flake if my food supply goes low? Better off growing excess raw rice . I just sell the junk from raids, so I’ve never cared to test it They buy and sell any kind of weapons, medicine etc. Either early game hunting animals like crazy for leathers, and/or planting a big cotton field. I sell hand-me-down clothing. make him production specialist aswell. A mod that can hold every piece of clothing in a 1x1 dresser. Not every trader let's you sell clothes (you can't sell your tattered rat-leather shirts to a weapons dealer, for example), but some (especially general goods traders) let you offload all your useless apparel. Wetshaving - isn't all shaving wet? Kinda. 6 for selling, whatever coefficient game difficulty adds. We know that selling all organs we earn 690$ without bonus. but without mod support it would not be that fun. But a question about making clothes: When tailoring, Do I edit which materials are being used depending on the piece? Cotton for T shirts, leather for dusters, wool for parkas ,etc? In either case, sell them. No matter what your climate or tech level, your people will always be wearing shirts. Royal clothing is the best profit per textile, while tribalwear is the best profit per unit of work. When taking into acvoint the buy/sell penalties of your trader - selling clothes made with purchased materials would need an ave Obviously depends on the temperature of your biome but my normal colonists outfit (in non-frozen biomes) is thrumbofur dusters, the best helmets I can make, flak vests, and Devilstrand button-downs and pants. And turn off smeltable. the worker will eventually produce high quality and high value clothes ready to sell over large quantities – Fennekin Commented May 24, 2016 at 17:35 If you got extra gas - send it to ally. If I was going to ask simply what is the single best apparel worth selling based off your charts, I'd say tribal headdress, followed by the ladies/top hat. Help is much appreciated. Hyperweave is good too for skin level clothes. Dusters are extremely profitable when considering the number of resources invested compared to the market value. Your profit will come from making high quality items. Clothing, in vanilla, is the most troublesome to dedicate storage to, so get good Tailors and a ready supply and sell the rest. The Quality of clothing can affect how quickly it deteriorates. I have tons of low quality furniture, clothes, weapons id like to mark for sale but I don’t know the best way to go about it. I was wondering what the best clothing setup (items and materials) is, I have 15 colonists in a temperate forest, (temp normally is above 40°F in winter and near 90°F to 100°F in summer). You can use shelves if you want good quality gear in an accessable place. The old damaged clothes are then repaired and become the new spare clothes. Is growing a lot of cotton a good investment? Whether that's for selling raw or mass producing appeal? Is chocolate good? I know the research for it is kinda on When I don't have any of the triple crown of exotic leathers (hyperweave, thrumbofur, and devilstrand, which are the best at everything almost universally) I use heavy fur from megasloths for most things. Do you use the hospitality mod? It makes selling apparel so much easier. various crowns, crafted at smithies), or are uncraftable by colonies (e. Hyperweave is only slightly beaten in the heat damage category by devilstrand (2. 2. This is why we will also list the best material to use to craft these clothes. this one is major for sure but it's mostly the game's fault for the way it is programmed. Now to make it profitable selling prisoners instead. So W/I (work per incredient cost) is best to minimize as said crafter has enough of other work to do. true. In general, trader prices do not vary, At most, any faction base offers a +2% Trade Price Improvement, resulting in both lower buying prices and higher selling prices. Dec 6, 2024 · Clothing vs Armor . Those ratings will tell you by how many degrees (C or F, depending on your setting) the clothing item improves the pawn's comfort range in cold or heat. get your colonists wearing consistent clothing once they're wearing appropriate clothing slowly you can increase the allowable quality and then set a bill up to incinerate or sell old/used clothing. This means I keep several crafters working around the clock and tailoring builds crafting skill while drug making does not. The secret isn't more blades and more canned goo but a single wicked edge. A parka is the ultimate in cold weather gear. There's no best clothing. Even more importantly, you can set it up to automatically change what your pawn is wearing when they are drafted. Making it a great material for arm chairs. My cold bog tribe venerates alpacas, so everybody is wearing excellent quality alpaca wool parkas that provide 72°C insulation, which honestly is overkill, but jackets and dusters wouldn't be enough for us. There are a few cases in which heavy fur is not the single best choice, but it is typically at LEAST second or third for most things. Is this accurate? Duster is in there for scale since I usually make them for selling to other factions. So that leaves art, the item type the dev intentionally designed to be the best item type to sell, with a default market value bonus on top of the inherent work value, the ability to sell it to all traders, and the ability to make it out of the most abundant Dec 3, 2022 · Manufacturing clothing uses the colonist's Crafting skill. With mending mod, I just need a spare or two they can claim from storage. Please let me know in case there are any errors. You don't want your colonists' clothes to be made out of it, especially when Devilstrand is available but it's still worth money. The way I deal with this when playing a Cannibal, or harvesting orangs [for fun, and profit] is setting up a dumping zone in some nearby water, hauling the corpses there, stripping them so the gear rots quickly, then disabling the corpses in the zone so I can drag them all to the store house for carving up. There are two main types of apparel, clothing and armor. Google Sheets source. Statues are worth a ridiculous amount given their material cost, but they do take a while to make. If you're producing clothing for profit, stick to the most resource intensive products to save on space, such as parkas. May 16, 2014 · I usually don't rely much on crafting to make money until I can craft Omnibots/tier 5 crafterbot (Misc Robots ++ mod). Tailcaps if your pawn production specialist. You can grow a ridiculous amount of cloth and use that for all early game clothing needs, you'll get more value out of leather by selling it, either raw or crafted into something. Most importantly you are using a pawn with high social and in good health/mood. Since you don't do much travelling with the product and you don't really use the product, you're better off just focusing on getting the most profit per leaf you grow. I was also wondering if devilstrand is the best cloth material? As title says; what's the best combo of clothing to protect against cold and heat without having to constantly change clothing? I'm running a temperate forest map, which varies between 50°c highs to -15°c lows. Plasteel equipment racks use 30 material and sell from 200-1000 each. Also, hunting is a huge income generator when you can do it. The best apparel to craft and sell depends on the colony bottleneck: - Low on crafters? Tribalwear - Low on leather? Corsets/vests - Low on donkeys to caravan? Noble hats + hoods - Best middle ground: Tuques. Depends lot what you want give priority. Button Up Shirts are the easiest generic answer. Because no matter what you do, you will have 0. Grow cotton and sell it. My big 20 person colony routinely sells $100k in clothing to a single trader that has a bunch of stuff I want like nicer fabric/leather or other raw components. I usually set my clothing stuff like this. Bill three smelt clothing, set percentage to less than 50%. Unless we're talking a 18ish skill production specialist you'd be hard pressed to make money on such a trade. I am surprised nobody mentioned equipment racks. The Recycle Apparel mod really helps with that little bit extra cash - making cowboy hats left and right out of the scraps we get from hapless raiders generous donations makes that little bit of difference towards getting our shiny components! Jan 25, 2023 · RimWorld Clothing Guide: Fabrics, Materials, and Best Clothes Posted On January 25, 2023 | Last Updated On May 22, 2024 (Image: Ludeon Studios via HGG / Nathan Hart) 3 days ago · The higher the difficulty, the less your goods sell for, and the more it costs to buy things. SELLING. When it comes to cold clothing, there isn’t a single special material that will fulfill all your needs. If you have an abundance of thrumbofur just make everything out of it. The simplest answer is to grow psychoid and make drugs. make a dress room for example with a stockpile or shelves that are set to "not tainted" and 52-100% Sell/burn/smelt. Flake is overall best and will be my go to selling drug. Statues, clothes, and leather. Just bury the dead with their clothing and sell all your non-tainted <50% clothing to passing traders. 54), only slightly beaten out on heat rating by devilstrand Devilstrand is a great all round, in defence, (sharp 1. Thanks! Cheaper one will sell for less and its clothes will be worth less but the relation between the materials and crafted goods will be the same. I used to make devilstrand clothes but these days I might just skip that research and get hyperweave skin layer apparel. Some few items must be crafted elsewhere (e. You are better off selling the raw ingredients than cooking and selling survival meals. so far best i got was: industrious very neurotic female i modified with archotech arms and gave her elongated fingers, and advanced crafting genes. There isn't a beauty Stat for clothing as far as I'm aware, not in the same way that works for construction materials. And that's it. (dota. Here are the best clothes for cold And maybe flak temporarily if I fear I will not make power armour in time. I'm building a town setup so pawns spend a decent amount of time out and about between climate controlled areas. My colony has a dedicated trading stockpile for 'good, but slightly worn' clothing that waits for an exotic goods trader to show up. Overall Beer is the best if the limiting factor is arable land. 1, and thrumbofur is at 14. Make more than your colonists need. 1% Muffalo is second best. I had this weird problem, probably with CE and Simple Sidearms, that if I bring prisoners into a caravan they will grab a doomsday rocket from my storage into their inventory. Sell them, either by using a common console to sell to a passing ship, using the console to request a bulk good trader caravan, or by making a caravan to send to a nearby settlement. Research an electric crematorium. So, you managed to get yourself a prisoner in RimWorld, but they are either naked or just not ready for the temperature in your settlement. Bulk goods traders and faction bases will buy the clothes, imperial traders will buy royal clothes only. Feb 17, 2023 · For the base RimWorld game, without any DLCs, the best clothing to sell is the duster. I would make yayo (best $ per effort of the drugs) but I prefer to farm cotton and make and sell a bunch of cotton clothing. Jul 25, 2019 · Love the mod! However I found I'm unable to sell a lot (if not all? didn't test fully) of the VE Apparel items to traders who should be willing to buy since they buy vanilla clothing items (e. at least that seems to be the ratio when you have traders on your colony map and switch between "sell" and "gift" mode. Best material/price ratio from what I recall. It's just one of the best general purpose clothing materials. Bill two destroy clothing, uncheck clean. But certain traders Hi, I'm a beginner to Rimworld and I finally got a stable colony set up. Set it for between 1 and 51% percent. while i If you use human leather, you get same 4. g. Ideal are 2 bills, one to smelt, forbidding clean clothes, and a second one to destroy forbidding clean clothes AND anything smelteable (so you get all your resources back). (Some people don't bother with selling some clothing and elect to burn it, instead, to An ideologion with little ability to manufacture clothing can now use raids to get some, via the "don't care about tainted clothing" precept, and because of the give and take nature of memes and the game's general mechanical emphasis on adaptability, this is a balanced trade-off for them. I understand how to set up a shopping zone but I don’t get how to put only the items I want for sale there. Selling extra furniture early is amazing, you can get your pawns a lot of practice building and make easy money selling anything of bad quality. Like the titles said, I'm looking for something that allows the economical, but not overpowered, breaking down of old and tainted clothes so I can reuse their parts. In a vacuum Flake is the most profitable, but I prefer to mass produce Yayo. Legs, shoulders/arms, torso, and neck. With this, I plan to sell them however, I have one problem The storage I have is big enough to hold what I have now, but it is soon running low on space. You can even have mechs produce the meals for you, if you want to let your pawns to do other things (like drugs and deep drilling). 2 with no economy mods so hopefully these are standard figures. If I want to sell clothes I create separate bills on a separate crafting station. But for human leather you will get same price, because you still selling leather at the cost of leather. Tailoring makes leather 2 times pricey but when you make duster it is 1 chance to 2x-3x the final price for 80 leather if you produce excellent-masterwork-etc. That's how the game works. On the clothing front we have: Best value and training per material in that order: Duster Para Least work per material in that order: Tribalwear Shirts/pants Bowler hat Cowboy hat So if you dont have enough pawns to work the leather and just want to get rid of them, make tribalwear, if you want to train your crafters, make dusters. Yes. May 27, 2023 · In Rimworld, the best clothes to sell are usually those made with high-quality materials and that have high market values. This way your crafter will keep making it until everybody has it equipped, then they will make a backup pair. Devilstrand and hyperweave is generally better than thrumbo fur for armor clothes. Un-forbid once the temperature comes down to clean out the ashes if necessary. Playing with no-pause definitely makes me have to make fast decisions and I've made some pretty bad ones when I only have 1-2 seconds to think rather than infinite pause time. If you have the royalty dlc then corsets require about half the materials of a duster and sell for 2/3 of the price. If i buy a game i want to know if there is mods for it or not. Tribalwear. There is also still a role-play vs market-value aspect. I feel like this is a question that depends a lot on personal preference but I'm going to ask it anyways. On the plus side: 1) doing a lot of clothing production based on leather also means you have tons of meat, so a good side business is survival meals that you can sell to basically everyone. And you end up storing a lot of leather you're probably never gonna use just by hunting for food. In other cases preferred gear is likely shirt, because it doesn't replace important armor. I just figured how to let pawns dress themselves with best available clothes to eliminate the forced and tattered moods. Before that point I sell gear from dead raiders (I have a mod that removes the Tainted status from the game), after that though I craft a lot of ravager armor (I think from Vanilla Expanded Vikings or Medieval but I could be wrong) - burns through all my excess leather for a I order my pawns to make new sets of clothes when new colonists join. Once you've got a good idea on the base numbers, then you're ready to look at how making clothes out of different animal skin changes the base numbers dramatically in some cases, and how quality of clothing also makes a difference (for example: Awful Synthread Parka vs Masterwork Camelhair Parka. That stuff will sell well, too, though infrquently. If you’ve ever played Rimworld, you know that keeping a colony alive is hardly ever easy. This allows you to not only burn up corpses (without needing to bury them) after a raid, you can also burn and dispose of the clothing. There is a hard set price modifier, regardless of social or trade skills prices are modified by 60% when selling, and 140% when buying. You get from market value multipliers 1. I heard that corsets are the best ratio of work/raw material for crafting clothes. Legendary quality of course. The point of leather is to make money, not to be used as actual clothing (unless you are on a map with very limited growing). You will see a noticeable difference in lost kidneys, lungs and head injuries. It's all well and good to pick the optimal outfit, but rimworld is about survival. Many things need to be considered, like food, shelter, if that bear near your base is hungry enough to attack your colonists and why Engie keeps botching You could go either way but based off what you've written, I'd make a strong case for flake. Parkas provide the best cold protection but also have a -20% work speed penalty across the board so they're generally considered inferior unless you're in an extreme cold environment. Feb 6, 2023 · Clothes are an amazing source of money in RimWorld, as you can easily mass produce them with a good crafter and decent farms. Sell clothes and weapons from raids. That means you can store all of your army gear in the dresser, have your pawns work in normal clothes and then automagically have them change to whatever armor you have setup for them w Bill one smelt clothing, uncheck clean. cs. Players with ample amounts of patience can make a stockpile outside and let clothes decay. Was looking around on the net for what's the best to sell in terms of royal clothing but couldn't find anything. There is no "buy low, sell high" in RimWorld. Except weapons. For special seasonal items like winter coats, gas masks, power armors I check the "count equipped" option. once the colonists are wearing better clothing you see far fewer breaks due to mood Dec 2, 2017 · Parkas are the best torso gear for the cold, but Dusters are better for the heat. But I'm also a big proponent of replacing clothing at 60% health, and sell the used clothes. But its hard to get enough of it to make enough clothes for even 1 colonist. If you want green ones take Iguana skin Beer is best if you are lacking in growing area. If I dont want to walk to a settlement to sell / no traders have come for a long time ill just burn useless clothes in a firepit / crematorium. May 7, 2017 · For instance, you could set the bill to all clothes of Shoddy or lower quality, any hit point, Do Forever. net May 20, 2017 · So I have a really good talior and alot of cloth (including 1100 devilstrand) so I was wondering what would be the best piece of cloth to sell, I was assuming it would be a parka or duster but I would like your guys opionion. Is there a way to make it so that I can stack weapons and clothes while I stock pile up on them before I sell them? I also have smoke leaf joints stock piled up to sell as well. Yayo can be better than flake if you have plenty of growing zones but lacking in high int pawns, or just don't want to spend as much time making the drugs, or if you want a supply of combat drugs ready. next i want to get her no sleep gene as soon as i get my hands on it. Some of the best games i played comes from mods. gifting corpses via drop pods is a funny idea actually :) i have to try that some time. Aug 5, 2016 · That's a waste of trade goods. And create a bill on a clothing bench for whatever set of clothing you like and set each bill for "Do until 1" Aug 25, 2019 · seems to be +1 opinion per 100 silver worth of gifts. This, in combination with a malus of 0. Clothes sell for a lot even if they are a bit battered up, so I most of the time try to sell them. If you have a plentiful number of certain animals (deer, elk, muffalo, etc), feel free to perform a mass hunt and butcher them with a good cook. Normally I just sell the hides/cloth because I can't be bothered. Market value: 1150$ x 0. 2)Make corset or parkas, then Sell them. Another thing to consider is the color, if you want red clothes or furniture, Take devilstand. Items with quality like clothing or furniture will net a slightly higher value per ingredient if you have a skilled crafter, but that's the catch, isn't it? In the end, you're best having a variety of goods to sell because different merchants purchase different things. Your colonists will always be in nice clothing, your old clothing will get burned rather than stacking up around the base, and tons of trader types will buy clothes from you. It feels like such a waste burn a tainted suit of power armor or flak armors, or even needing to sell shield belts that are 51% or lower. The market value of a prisoner must be greater than 1150$ otherwise is less profitable than selling organs. Apr 25, 2020 · Hyperweave is the best clothing fabric in Rimworld, it outperforms the other fabrics in almost every category. Just set it so it only burns clothes from 0% - 50% Downside is that it require more hauling job and need more space for Fermenting Barrels. Pigskin is the best to sell clothes or textile furniture. Good armour values, and decent thermal ranges. Dusters out of devilstrand, thrumbo or megasloth fur or rhino/elephant leather are probably the best all around clothes you can make. In order to get the best result, you have to consider both the time it takes to make the outfit and the material to profit ratio. Just wearing any type of wool duster (doesn't really matter if it is alpaca, megasloth, camelhair or muffalo) will protect you greatly against the heat and cold in almost any but the very harshest environments (and even then all wool apparel covering your entire body is good to up to -115 celsius). Not most protective, but once account for it being silly cheap it basically is the default option everything else gets compared to. Destroy clothing set to less than 50%. Clothing, if you don't want to store until a trader arrives, shove them in a stone room, throw in a Molotov, forbid the door to stop pawns wandering into a 1,000°C room and dying. That said thrumbo furs have one of the highest “beauty” ratings. You can make some value clothes to sell with human skin. Oddly enough, Camel Hair is 4th best. is correct but analysis results incorrect. If you are very limited in crafting workforce Yayo is be a better option, it's very close in term of silver per work without the extra hauling. I always have an abundance of material. For -4 temperature flak jackets or dusters should be enough (except if you make the dusters from human leather because human leather sucks). For clothing the different materials will affect just how the clothing Mar 5, 2023 · Luckily, with the use of some easy-to-get materials, you can craft some really good cold resistant clothes in RimWorld. Jun 13, 2024 · I'm going with Hyperweave on this one, but I do farm muffalo and alpacas to be able to trade climate friendly clothing to the neighbours. The best fabric to use for your Dusters is camel hair, which is harvested from camels. bf etc) And some of the best games i played have had mod support and lots of great mods. In fact, it is smart to pause a lot and it gives you the best chance at survival. Guinea pig fur makes capes that can fetch a good price, haven't managed to get any chinchillas yet but they're supposed to be rich. Another option is to make a dedicated stockpile and throw in a Molotov or frag grenade. If you're okay with using mods, LWM's deep storage helps with this immensely. Both clothing and armor use the same basic mechanics and the distinction is largely arbitrary beyond its use in sorting items. Less raids so less risk for your pawns. Or bring them along with caravans; they're still reasonably valuable and weigh very little. Trying to solve this problem led to me discovering this trick. Clothes from corpses and prisoners are free. made her production specialist too. Pawns with good crafting can make 4-5 times the amount you would sell with raw material. Clothes also sell well. 11 votes, 14 comments. Clothing usually: is made from light materials (fabrics and leathers); Human leather has a market value of 4. Whats the best things to grow just for trading, I have plently of food, at this point it feels like I'm producing too much of it. A pawn wearing a human leather cowboy hat and a pawn wearing a synththread cowboy hat will have the same innate social bonus that the hat itself gives. After Roybin93's answer pointed me at the Wiki, I went in and added the new items to the table. When I sell them I don't get the rocket's price back. psychic foil helmet) and so can only be acquired via trade, quests, or from defeated raiders, etc. In the early game consider having those bills permanently suspended, as the mood debuff from an otherwise OP (for your colony) armor can be worth it. If you're buying textiles to make into clothes, get cloth for the lower level crafters as training exp, and get the most expensive textile for the higher level ones. H does not matter as we make 100% health goods if only for sale. Effective for what? Wearing or selling? If you want to make money with this, its just best to sell the material. Forget flake/cloth dusters. The best way to make a lot of money is to sell something you have that you don't need. Corsets offer the best money. Also I believe psychopath and bloodlust pawn can wear them? Maybe just one of those but setting up different clothing rules for pawns that can wear them can help. The most expensive clothes is usually parka/dusters both use 80 mats. since I only have 2 empire bases around my base. If your colonists are spending the majority of their time growing cash crops, you're investing a lot of time into a small amount of money. 4, Blunt 0. hyperweave is the best all round, with the best stats (sharp of 2 and a blunt of 0. When it comes to Parkas, Megasloth Wool is actually the best by . Jun 2, 2020 · In vanilla I try to keep about 25% more clothing on hand than I immediately need for my colonists but that will vary on how you feel about it. Steel plate on the other hand is not all that protective, has massive speed penalty and basically doesn't add anything to comfortable temperature range. rimworld doesn't utilize my computer's resources entirely and will always eventually become so laggy that I can't continue the save anymore. You can see additional details for each article of clothing by clicking on the (i)nfo button for each of them, all the details are in there. And don't sell components. Make sure that if the animals don't appear naturally on the map and you don't have the adequate leather to produce an article of clothing, you sell that leather. As for your current world Craft and sell or burn it. Of course though, if you are literally filled to the brim of your stockpile with material and your pawn have no time to actually make things, just sell raw materials. Selling miscellaneous leathers from hunted or farmed animals has frequently given me a much needed early-game income boost. We also sell off excess beer, fleeb juice, and old clothing, which still sells well, since it’s usually made of devilstrand or megasloth wool. Eh, most stuff that's left at 30%-ish durability and tainted is often worth less than a buck. A normal duster needs 167 work units and 60 fabric, and yields $156. Take planet coaster that will come out in nov. . so it should be easy to sell your raided junk weapons to them. If you can tame boomalopes or boomrats their milk is chemfuel There is a mod (people of Reddit, help me) that lets factions visit in "guest beds" and they can buy shit from you while they're there, improving faction Keeping it more simple: rush helmets and flak vests. Allies love free stuff and you can get quite some goodwill) 3) send them in caravan/call for bulk trader and sell everything to them (for weapons - use weapon trader) 4)pyrea The single best clothing item would be a duster. I am running Rimworld 1. The price is determined by the cost of the materials and labor, multiplied by quality. 6 = 690$ same price for 3 organs and less mood debuffs. Armour can be smelted down for steel. May 17, 2023 · Last I checked corsets are the best if you have the Royalty DLC. Looking for best statues, clothing, and weapons to make (or maybe I should drop one category entirely). When self-sourcing materials normal quality is the break even point of selling raw materials vs selling crafted clothes. Can get high sharp defense stat and pair with flack vest for good protection from organs being one tapped. Every individual article of clothing has a "Insulation - Cold" and/or "Insulation - Heat" factor that you can view by looking at the items information (the "i" icon on the item). See full list on saffronmilk. Caravan constantly if you have the items. A note not yet mentioned: you can wear deadman's armor during combat and take it off afterwards. Clothes like parkas, dusters, and tuques made from materials like alpaca wool or plainleather are highly valued and sought after by traders, making them a profitable item to produce and sell. Highest base armor value of clothing and covers most of the body. After using the butcher's table a lot I end up accumulating a lot of tainted apparel, I want to get rid of the tainted clothing by leaving it outside of the base in a terrain that will accelerate the process of the clothes degradation, but I don't know what settings I can give to the stockpile so my colonist put the tainted clothing there. The math works out that some of the fancy clothes, like capes, are a better value for resource used, but I realized they take a LOT longer to make. I don't know if biotech added any clothing or not. I generally just sell poor quality or worn out clothes to caravans and traders. Personally I usually just make a separate stockpile in my main stockpile area, at a higher priority, so I know how much of the good stuff I have without scanning around multiple stockpiles. Personally though I choose clothes (from mtiple mods) that match aesthetically and dont worry about stat bonuaes at all. Clothes are good when you strip them off captured raiders or are replacing the ones your colonists are wearing. As a baseline it provides insulation against both the heat and the cold, it has pretty good armour stats and completely covers the body. , Bulk Traders). Change Dresser. 0036 silver per tick of work, and armchair have best work/material coefficient for textile. Personally, I slaughter my excess pen animals once they're adults. My level 20 crafter is busy making marine armors, bionics, and advanced components for his fellow transhumanists. Ex; Buying a 1000 silver weapon will cost you 1400, and selling that same weapon will only gain you 600. grow cotton then tell shirts to be made indefinitely. Tribalwear needs 30 work units and 80 fabric, yielding $96. Early game, my best tip is to rush flak research and make sure everyone who may get shot wears an advanced helmet and a vest. Grow tons of corn and rice. I know nothing about modding Rimworld but did some digging and was able to see that item defs in Core had "tradeTags". Save that for other things Mid game: disallow trash-tier fabrics like cloth, patchwork, light leather, bird leather, etc. Static Quality Plus ensures every piece of equipment produced is legendary. To avoid tattered debuff you can set your colonists to only wear clothes at 51% or higher durability. More spefically, Dromedary camels. Sell it to bulk goods traders. 64 per piece + cost of human leather. Thrumbofur and Hyperweave are technically better, but not nearly so available. Jan 25, 2023 · How to Give Prisoners Clothes in RimWorld. And the best allrounder is Synthread. If your crafter needs experience, have them pump out a crap ton of a specific apparel that you've forbidden and sell that. Much clothes in this game, too much of a pain and too little time when raiders come to switch to armour just for combat. So I have a really good talior and alot of cloth (including 1100 devilstrand) so I was wondering what would be the best piece of cloth to sell, I was assuming it would be a parka or duster but I would like your guys opionion. Plus they are built by constructors which are pretty commonly among your most experienced pawns. This would (eventually - as with everything else, your colonists need time to make it happen) destroy all of your clothes that are below Normal quality, and spare all those of Normal quality and above. The question is such: what is difference if to sell raw material or to turn it into statue. I was also wondering if devilstrand is the best cloth material? May 31, 2023 · I have been running across threads on Reddit saying flake and dusters are the two best options for cash. For reference, most leathers are around 2. Military has aiming bonuses, chef stuff cooking bonuses etc. It looks great. 7 selling price for all types of clothing, renders the profit almost none. Duster might be the most efficient if you only consider the material, but it takes a long time to make. Don't make weapons. Transport pods will reduce food costs to caravans selling things but will cost other materials, depends on your playthrough. What are the best items to make - and out of what material - taking into account the quality (based on material, like marble versus wood), the amount of work that goes into the item, and weight (if traveling to sell). But if you have good animal handlers, you could do something like grow hay to feed alpacas and sell the wool, especially if you have good crafters to make the wool into high quality clothing. Different types of clothing have different multipliers depending on how much work goes into it. Note on trading . Of course you get lot more value for selling statue rather than raw gold but you show minuses. And staff, of as nice quality as possible for important psycasters, because it doesn't wear down like clothes. It's free money. If you can get your hands on an Infinite Chemfuel Generator (Quest Reward) then sell off all your Chemfuel overstock. 36 ) but an amazing 3 against heat, however it is low cold protection. Then maybe brew, or sell some rare mushies, or magical jewellery if you want use mods. Use some of that silver to gift factions and get positive so they'll trade with you. As far as basic rimworld it's probably the red mushrooms (Devilstrand) decent winter clothing material w/fire resistance. And gives quite large bonus to Psychic Sensitivity. performance drop due to all the extra pawns and their actions/filth/social caches piling up. So better to make many quick rags for export than toil away at a few very nice rags. They can be mixed and matched, as far as Apparel layers allow. Or mid game with a huge devilstrand field going. nyyfkpj cgp kfa kuaqs xlyh bntb zikvc sxuri dohkv oyue