Fanuc turret reset tool I didn't code moving away for tool change and found myself forced to do the never do. Similar Threads: Need Help!-Tool library . Jan 16, 2013 · 14. Dec 6, 2006 · The M109 must latch the tool engage solenoid until a turret index or M108 is called. Jul 24, 2009 · The other day I had a crash. Quick-change die holders further reduce turret set-up time. Sep 18, 2018 · Managed to reset the turret position accordingly and everything is working as it should (apart from an audible clunk when going either way past turret position 13? - everything else is near silent) Issue i'm having now is, randomly the position of the turret on the LCD display on the Fanuc control panel randomly changes during a program. Then the procedure stops. Apr 20, 2017 · Sure you fixed it by now but for others Perform a turret restoration and make sure you input the exact tool it happened during event after mode and then reset the machine and it will auto set it’s position properly. I have looked through the threads and tried the limit switches, moved the screw by hand to stops, set 700,701, and 65 parameters(at different times) and pressed P and CAN, and pressed P Q and Can. You say that your readout says . Joined Jun 7, 2011 Litz LT-400 Fanuc Oi Mate-TC turret reset procedure. Jun 17, 2015 · In this moment if you make tool change you will see if A will change from 30 degrees to 30 degrees and you are 100% sure the A axis is for servo turret after that you put on tool 1 on turret and reset the 1815. I have a Romi G30 with the Fanuc 21i-T. The above diagnosis number can be used to confirm whether the system has this function. Oct 27, 2007 · Hello. Tool T-4 is in the spindle, and it says tool T-11 is loaded on the screen. It's a 12 position turret. For Work Shift, as Fanuc calls it: 1. Feb 24, 2013 · (µ/ý Xôá x DD@eÄÍ Ã0 Ã0€u ÃÞ2EÒ·%I„í””ˆB›$‘Å ž™g‹Q+ô£ŽãjT ýÅàÇ"úÛÚz{I ³V…UªQ — , N ˜Óͤ [÷Æ%ÊT¢ ^”®“V Jul 8, 2014 · i put the tool ,for example in tool post 1 or any other position u like go offset and assure that there is no geometry or wear inserted in the tool no 1 (or any other tool you choose) than i go MDI and say T0101 X0 EOB insert ,feed on minimum,press start and let the turret go to the X0 position Oct 28, 2015 · I unclamp the turret by going into the pmc settings and realign the turret at tool # 01 by hand, reset the control to make it think its at tool # 01 again (press function select, spindle stop, & feed hold at the same time) and when I try to index the turret again, it looses the count and goes back to tool # 00. We e-stopped it to shut off the hydraulics and hand pushed the turret into the tool position twice to reset and once completely off worked. Anytime the machine loses track of the exact spindle or turret position, you have to perform this reset procedure. I can watch the graphics but the turret moves as if its going to cut material. 500" if your tool sticks out 1. Between getting the new power hooked up after 15 months of waiting and getting jobs done on the Jan 8, 2007 · Tool 1 is now calibrated. O9001 G40G80 G91G28Z0M9 M19 G28Y0 M6 M99 What I find annoying about this is when there is an M01 in the program and the same tool is being used, the machine still goes to the tool change position. The spindle was stopped and the control was in Feed Per Revolution Mode. If I clear and reset the tools: m100 and m101. Fanuc servo drive. You need to look at the BLH corner of the CRT and see what T is loaded in there at this time. Jan 28, 2009 · started taking the tool turret assembly off the machine to try and figure out the problem, pulled all the covers off the turret assembly again , this time the one 1. Thats fine, until you have to run a different part that sticks out in z a little longer or shorter . I pulled all of the holders out of the turret and started with loosening the face bolts to allow for some manual manipulation of the disc. No code is set. Jun 12, 2019 · I think you may have reset the turret, but the head is up too high in Z and is in the area normally reserved for tool change. Turret zero needs to be reset. The Oi-TD system function diagnosis number is 1174#2, and the 31i system diagnosis number is 1163#6. 3) Also, on the tool turret servo amplifier appears the alarm: A90, on the tool turret manual Jun 26, 2019 · So the current issue is that my turret numbering is not aligned with what the controller is indicating. I tried turret restore procedure but get another Alarm OT0500 (Z)+ OVERTRAVEL (SOFT 1) during restore procedure. Naturally there is no explanation of that alarm in the MTB's manual. I can index the turret in jog mode. Thanks, Email: TD3569@gmail. On a lot of machines with newer Fanuc controls, if the tool currently in the spindle is called with an M6, it just returns to home, calls all modal commands again, then continues along. Anyone with tips / ideas? Jan 18, 2014 · Hi every body I have a problem with CNC lathe machine when I try to change the tool I hear disengage (or engage I 'm not sure) then the tool rotate for a few seconds as normally, but the problem is the turret doesn't rotate and I receive this message 1044 HY. It either indexes but is in the wrong position (half way between tools and locks into place), only releases and does not actually turn, or i get a servo alarm on the amplifier. (The name “Q-Setter” stands for Quick Tool Setter) Mar 16, 2007 · how do most guys position a lathe turret with fanuc for a tool change on a long lathe. I need the procedure for resetting the Turret from what I understand. 7- Press CYCLE START. It'll unclamp and rotate to change station but just keeps spinning. SA TURRET POSITION ERROR and after a few seconds Jan 20, 2010 · Sounds like to me that if you had to reload the PMC then you probably lost your tool 1 teach position. 1. 15. If you tell me what model you have I can tell you how to recover from it. In this moment if you make tool change you will see if A will change from 30 degrees to 30 degrees and you are 100% sure the A axis is for servo turret after that you put on tool 1 on turret and reset the 1815. 5 must be 1 (Turret JOG Mode) 2- Change to Handle Mode 3- Feed HOLD + Spindle STOP 4- The turret will unclamp 5- Click on the +X and -X to rotate the Turret My problem is at step number 5 cuz the turret doesn't rotate Go do D148. Gonna need to turn on parameter write to change the relay. Most likely something in the code, but i cant see it. 2 change pmc diagnostic #316. Now they get me 2 new machines with a Series Oi-TD and it will not digest a T0000! I find it frustrating I can't clear the turret and offsets! Oct 18, 2009 · Seems dubious that an e-stop during tool change would require turret dissassembly to correct a gear mesh problem. All of the other batteries seemed ok, but I went ahead and replaced all 3 of the batteries, but now need to get my turret position back. Press the OFFSET/SETTING hard key. Since you can rotate your turret then this should be quick and painless. Bring down (or install) presetter arm, then press PSM (presetter mode) button and touch off tool tip in X direction. 4 press "turret index Feb 15, 2013 · We had the same problem. Jan 8, 2007 · It doesn't stink, it just the way it has to be. Next, I pulled the whole turret assembly down and started from scratch. Press M then Z keys, type in desired Z value, press Offset Measure button, press Input key. 1. Nov 6, 2002 · I have a Fanuc 6T-a cnc lathe with a 12 tool turret. So far, great success. If I hit reset, the machine thinks it's at the original position (T101). D. I have 15 pages copied (faxed) from a factory service manual which explains the many adjustments needed to tune the tool change mechanicals, but it does not show that turret disassembly is necessary to align turret gear to spindle gear mesh. I have tried to reset the encoder but no luck. Powered back down. Cant reset or clear it. The tool setter on every machine has once been calibrated accurately at the factory. The problem showed up as a turret unclamped alarm after an index while setting up tools for a job. Tool and Tool Offset were called together, but without a move command. I. The 28-station ATC, exceeding the standard 21, efficiently manages 46 kg of tools. Mar 18, 2021 · That is a doosan alarm. 0 to "1" Simultaneously press 'Spindle select' & 'Spindle stop' & 'Feed hold' Now turret will get unclamped. For example, while tool 1 is currently selected in the turret, the control is displaying tool 11. When I do a tool change the hydraulic lock disengages, the turret turns to the correct tool or the next tool and does NOT engage the lock. Return (or remove) presetter arm and press PSM button to cancel presetter mode. Jan 12, 2006 · Doosan Lynx 220 Fanuc i Machine turret is in tool 00 position. Aug 28, 2021 · New to fanuc controllers. 10. Apr 15, 2017 · Let's say tool #1 is called up and tool offset #1 is active, you hit reset clearing out the tool offset then change tool and don't "allow the machine to follow the correct process" (I think you're saying, not starting the program in the correct position?) then you still run the risk of restarting with the wrong tool offset, resulting in a crash. Fordav11: The problem is that with our Fanuc lathe it is easy to hit the X+ limit due to the rather limited X-axis travel and when turning large workpieces with a tailstock it is just best to move the turret as far as possible before indexing (during manual set-up, quick tasks etc. we replaced that yeserday ran the machine turned on and ran today for an hour then we got alarm 2023 (not locking in the 10 sec interval) then switches to alam 2047 (turret clamp switch alam or turret control unit alarm The FANUC tapping interruption processing method is as follows: Example: During the program running, press reset or emergency stop, and an alarm will appear 2075. I call T1 not adding m6 and it rotates and drops pot into change Sep 9, 2021 · Can you determine if the turret is actually clamped while the alarm is displayed? If the turret is clamped but the alarm is still issued you need to look in the ladder. Will likely need to go into the keep relays and unlock the turret, then move by hand close to a tool and re-lock. Dec 26, 2015 · does any one know how to watch the simulation or graphics screen on a fanuc oi-tc control with the turret stationary, lets say after you program and you want to watch the tool paths to make sure there are no abnormal movements. Dec 21, 2002 · I have turret index trouble on a Hardinge conquest 51, 1993 model with Fanuc OT control. 8- At this point, it is extremely important that you DO NOT press the RESET button at anytime. This automat Aug 31, 2022 · I have a 96 Excel 5T18 with 21m Fanuc control. The z axis encoder had to be replaced because it was broken in shipping. Just change the parameter, usually only press reset and then orient the spindle again and check the alignments with the tool changer arm. when I start, it throws up an alarm of "059 Cannot find program" ? After a bit of research it may be the program # 9040 "turret recovery program" i'm suddenly missing? Nov 13, 2018 · And don't worry - there ain't a Robodrill owner out there that HASN'T had to do this, you didn't do anything dumb. Aug 13, 2020 · When Z-axis is zeroed/homed we should be able to call M6 in MDI to change tools. If I am working on a part in the chuck say 8" long what should I use to position the turret for tool changes. Search "A0". T. The ‘Clamp open’ , ‘Tool change Switch’ & ‘X Block’ lights are on. 5" from the turret. It includes all those buttons, plus releasing the turret, spinning it back around so the physical witness marks line up, locking the turret again, and changing the Ive gone through the steps of using Keep Relay K5. how to re-teach turret position (bnd-series with fanuc control 0-tc) 1 turn the memory protect key off,and change "parameter write" (pwe) from "o" to "1'. T0101 shares the same turret position as T1111, T0202 shares turret position with T1212 and so on. #016 X axis home limit (Bit 5) #017 Y axis home limit (Bit 5) #018 Z axis home limit (Bit 5) #720 X axis alarm bits #721 Y axis alarm bits #722 Z axis alarm bits Apr 25, 2007 · Just check the offset in tool 3 my centre drill running in the program, working perfect. Oct 4, 2007 · On a vmc 1000 with a OMD control there is a tool change fault recovery in the machine manual,, have a look there first,,it uses M codes to move the tool change carousel back to position,, Don`t quote me but I think M86,M87 is tool change mode on and off and M81 returns the carousel to home position,, You could also try looking at the tool change program itself, probably a O9000 program and Jul 31, 2012 · The Fanuc controls used to get hung up when the following conditions applied: 1. Fanuc Controller Fanuc Controller>>Mechanical Fanuc Controller>>Mechanical>>TURRET Turret alarm DESCRIPTION Tool turret the machine give the following alarms: 1003 TURRET MISS. Similar Threads: Problem-How to reset this alarm? Kindly help me out asap; Need Help!-miyano bnc 34 nc alarm reset over travel; Need Help!-Reset 31i periodic maintenance alarm; Need Help!-How do I reset SV01 alarm on Fanuc 0M Oct 9, 2018 · We have a Daewoo 300LM that we are getting this alarm on intermittently. Still the hard seat and thump. When mechanical repairs have been made on the tool setter, turret re-alignment has been done or the home position on the X or the Z-axis have been changed it may become necessary to re-calibrate the Q-Setter. Fanuc Robodrill w/ 31i b5; FANUC ROBODRILL T10B - LOST TOOL CHANGE PROGRAM; Alarm during tool change on a Bridgeport BPC 320H with Fanuc 6MB11; Cant tool change alarm AL-42 Toyoda Horizontal I unclamp the turret by going into the pmc settings and realign the turret at tool # 01 by hand, reset the control to make it think its at tool # 01 again (press function select, spindle stop, & feed hold at the same time) and when I try to index the turret again, it looses the count and goes back to tool # 00. I realize you can use G28 but that will send it all the way home. Press the Seting soft key. T1=T0100, or T12=T1200)? Ang every program should call up a G50 like I use a G54 on a mill? I have just been using the turret fwd/rev buttons after I zero ref the axis, not actually using MDI to call a tool. Hello. 6 and #329. New to fanuc controllers. Call that tool up in MDI,(example, T0101) that you will use to reset your home position. (this time nc alarm p/s will comes on, also machine alarm lamp will be on). I found that the encoder was loose and had turned. The parameters are 105---106--- the simplest way is to call a tool no. Can reset and go to the M01 and restart just fine. Sep 11, 2013 · 1- Keep-relay No. Fanuc just makes the control hardware and software to control axis motion and I/O hardware. Rebooting machine does however work clearing the alarm. Machine was turned off and then homed after turning back on. INDEX (A0. I looked online and in the manuals I have but couldn't find the procedure. we replaced that yeserday ran the machine turned on and ran today for an hour then we got alarm 2023 (not locking in the 10 sec interval) then switches to alam 2047 (turret clamp switch alam or turret control unit alarm Similar Threads: Daewoo Puma 230 Turret issue; QT28 The tool selection displayed on the controller is not the same as the tool selected in the turret. If the tool is behind the turret, the value will be Mar 21, 2004 · If the turret is out, and you need to get it back in, push in the E-stop button. Apr 30, 2009 · 2004 puma 240L fanuc 21i-TB we had the servo battery go bad 3. No collisions or crashes involved. I select T1(with no offset called) and touch off the probe in Z and X. like an example tool number 1 is a combination of sensor that are translated into bits like 00011000 you must have in the manual this combination for all tools so starting to check what sensrs must be on for tool This alarm is telling you that you need to Preset the tools for your spindle and tool carousel. Put the correct geometry in the tool geometry page for that tool and zero the wear offset. Is it T0, or is it the T that you have in place yet? 116 Section 05: Automatic Tool Changers March 2003 Fadal Maintenance Manual 16)Activate the turret motor and the turret reverse (if the reverse direction is required) circuit(s). +Z hardware over travel. 3. This is the same as a Fanuc 18T, I believe. S. Could you email me a copy of the reset procedure. Similar Threads: Need Help!-Park & tool change position after tool probe. We changed out the turret confirmation prox switch but it didn't go away. It was all jacked up and I had some help back at our office walk me through the turret restoration over the phone. After Ox and friends helped me fix my sticking tool turret it stuck again about 2 weeks later (no use between). Litz LT-400 Fanuc Oi Mate-TC turret reset procedure Apr 29, 2020 · I could certainly try to maintain higher tool offset numbers for the true axial offsets, and copy them down as starting points when setting up a new tool. The carousel works sorta. Make the axis invisible on the display page by pressing [ALTER] then select the TT axis and press [ENTER] . 18)Stop the turret motor. Rotate the turret until the first tool is in the number one position before setting the tool order. I currently set all my tool offsets using a Renishaw tool setting arm on a fanuc lathe. Our recently purchased lathe has about 12' of z travel. Jan 4, 2014 · When your turret is HOME it likely doesn't have a tool offset loaded, and the 18 will dump your offset as soon as you hit RESET. When I first got there, if you pushed the index button, (normally moves the turret 1 tool at a time) it would index, but it indexes to the wrong spot, and tries to lock, but it can't because its in the wrong spot. Unscrew the tool disc from the turret,locate the the tool no. Jul 25, 2015 · OK, thank you everybody. I work in automation and was at a customer once who did a feed hold mid tool change, then hit reset. even adjusted it . Then type MZ0 Input to set that as Z0. I've checked some manuals and params. Jul 15, 2023 · The turret will only index to tool pocket 4. We checked the fuses to the best of our knowledge and tried to reset all the circut protectors. If the the tool in the spindle is incorrect the value in the GDATA table will have to be modified. We discovered that the clamp that holds the tool inside the spindle does not open during tool change preventing the arm to move Mar 4, 2010 · There are three types of turret indexing on Miyanos. Alarm code: " No. I've just been fighting it severely for the last few hours to finish a handful of parts, faulting out on nearly every tool change, have to hit reset to stop May 17, 2017 · Hi all, I have a Mori seiki SL150 with a MSC518 (I assume its a Fanuc 18i) and the battery retaining its home position was dead when I got it. If I rotate the turret to position 2 (or anywhere else) it sends the table to Tool 16 and no matter where the turret is it opens the table to tool 16 forever after. The new RoboDrill D28iMB5 machine builds on the legacy of the industry’s best vertical machining center by expanding to 28 tools (up from 14 or 21) and an additional 100 millimeters of Y-axis travel. So far our maintenance doesn’t have a clue what the issue is. I don't know if that has anything to do with my problem because the machine is new to me. Aug 19, 2016 · A 3 axis CNC lathe Doosan Puma 600 with Fanuc 21i control. All the axes move freely and the turret indexes properly in both directions, it just isn't displaying the right tool. One is for May 23, 2023 · Hi everyone, I have two KIA heavy industries SKT100 turning centers with Fanuc Oi-TB controls. We power down and reset, it will run for days between alarms and will throw this alarm in the middle of a cut. Match the markings (there will be markings on the moving & non moving parts) Press 'Call buzzer OFF' button. (MANUAL OR AUTO). More information Aug 27, 2019 · Lets say you just use your tool offsets and you have 12 tools in the turret and you touch off all tools. 3- Probe the tool. Then, hold the E-stop reset button while pressing the turret index button. How to do Home Position of Turret in Mazak machine| Mazak Tool Change Position Hello friends, Welcome to our YouTube channel HPDC & CNC SOLUTI Evening fellas. Now you have to touch of all the tools again in z . I've currently defined offsets 1-12 as main spindle tool offsets, and 21-32 as the subspindle tooling offsets. when I start, it throws up an alarm of "059 Cannot find program" ? i think you have to find in what combination of sensor must be for tool number 1. The tool index and offset were the only editing needed if a different tool position was used. Still have the alarm and it wont turn manually. for example ,in the diagnose page you must see these sensors if you pass some metal in front of them. 6 volt. The machine is a Dah Lih 1450 with Fanuc 18. Page 1GE Fanuc Automation Sauter-Turret with nd 2 Geometry Tool Offset Data Function for 16i-TB, 18i-TB, 21i-TB ; Page 2GE Fanuc Automation This document shouldn’t be distributed to the end-user!! Document – Summery Title of Document Sauter-Turret and 2nd Geometry Tool Data Start of Edition: 02nd September 2002 Last Change: 28th January Nov 24, 2022 · Short term, checking for tools outside the range 1-10 is probably good. ). Some machines, even with the drum type toolchange have a data table where tool numbers are assigned to drum position. You can try moving the turret by hand while it's unclamped into the right Feb 9, 2005 · Hi Pi , i think you didnt read well enough maybe: "A few days ago i was drilling with G87, but before the drill reach the bottom i had to cancel because the turret was too close to one of the chuck jaws, so i --->reset<--- the program, and make the drill stick out longer and decide to manually drill the last few millimeters. Jun 3, 2006 · Hi guys, Got this 1998 emcoturn 325 running fanuc 21 - tb. Start scrolling through that area. I've executed program in single block mode. then should be back up and running. Anything I need to do with spindle orientation, tool changer, etc? Thanks!-Max Similar Threads: Need Help!- I’m only familiar with this feature on RoboDrills with 21 tools (did you mean 21, not 31?) in the spindle. Press the MDI hard key. When it try to index the other way, it spits out an alarm. I checked the function of the turret clamp Micro Switch, and it works fine. Any ideas? Doosan Website alarm codes lookup brings up Mar 12, 2019 · I need some help, purchased a 1997 Miyano BND-42S2 with Fanuc OT-C and i am having turret issues. B signals are not completed. 4- Select the MDI mode. 5- Type in T0101; ( which ever tool you are using to calbriate the Q-setter with). 16. Aug 16, 2018 · Depends on the post, and the control. Need to know how to get it in lock position. Of course, now all of your tools are in the wrong pocket so it would be a great idea to just take all of the tools out of the machine and replace them after resetting the pocket table. 4 when finish put back the 3115 parameters to 0 and the A axis will disappear from screen. Machine is stuck with Tool #2 at current position and I cant get the turret to index with the handwheel back to tool #1. What I would like is something like Mar 2, 2017 · We checked the 2 E stop switches and they are both reset. I can (and have, multiple times) go through the reset procedure, freeing and resetting the turret to T0101 then relocking. Oct 18, 2017 · Basically, call tool '0' so that all tools are in the carousel, go to Tool Management, turn on edit and reset the pocket table. 7 bit No. It works great usually, but I shut it down for 2 wks for a medical issue and turned it back on and here is the weird problem. It's a Yama Seiki with Fanuc 0i-tc. Still will not reset. This enhances tool availability, supporting diverse machining tasks on larger workpieces and boosting productivity. Verify the tool in the spindle and insert the the correct tool. Dec 14, 2021 · Hello everyone, I've purchased my first CNC lathe and have been spending the last couple months getting it setup in my shop. You must first relieve the pressure from the servo. This should clamp and unclamp the turret. Index the turret to an O. Oct 19, 2015 · need some help here , I have no experience with our Robodrill and when it was fired up today it pulled up a EX1012 alarm code , according to the manual you have to perform a turret recovery operation . Bring up Work Shift table. Put a new bar in, checked to make sure rough face tool cleaned the end of bar, and walked away(to program another part) Note: When loading tools into the turret to run a program, place tool number one in the turret and use the TURRET CW button to put the next tool in the turret until all the tools are placed in the turret. All three have different means of recovery from faults. Top turret has 10 positions and I primarily run dual holders on them for drills and boring bars. Our problem is as follows : * When doing a tool change (JOG mode), the turret indexes to a tool position, 2 positions from the selected position, if we select T0101 then the turret moves to T0303, for any combination - always 2 positions out of sync. When cycling the turret i get alarm 1024 — tool turret position monitoring. This machine requires a 2005 model turret and a new pallet. Jun 12, 2023 · We checked the fuses to the best of our knowledge and tried to reset all the circut protectors. It was high (or low to the tool's perspective) prior to this, as if it was crashed in the past and slipped. The turret stoped working and sets the alarm light on when index. But when I go to MDI and enter a new turret position, it will index to the new position, but then the machine hangs. G01 mode was current. Not sure if yours is that way or not, but best to check your Doosan manuals for a battery change procedure. In the relay i should say turret unclamp pin or something of that nature. This can be avoided if you don’t jog up above the z axis zero line in the middle of a auto operation that was stopped. 4 to unclamp-clamp the turret and have successfully repositioned the turret. 4 but it doesn't unclamp (Maybe because it's Jul 14, 2009 · Repaced batteries. 089 when you have your holder co-axed in. I have been unable to clear the 1006 tool clamp alarm via the regular ES button and reset methods. Reset the control via the reset button, turret clamped again, could manually index and could MDI any tool except tool 4, the one I needed. I think you can get a parameter manual from Fanuc. Move turret to a safe position to index, then in MDI mode call up tool & offset. My lathe would do what your mill does, call an offset or cancel an offset and the tool/turret would move by that amount,,,,, it was irritating. May 6, 2017 · Hi folks, First time poster, longtime reader, and newbie metalworking guy I've got a Fadal 4525 that I've been using, and last week during a tool change it paused, as though it was going to change the correct tool, then the turret continued rotating, and ended up two pots away from where it Feb 20, 2013 · The errors went away. May 8, 2013 · After resetting and taking back off, we noticed the turret was setting down hard on a counter clockwise tool change. I try to initiate the Turret Restore program through the Maintenance window. They provide a range of addresses that the ladder logic can read and act upon if the logic utilizes them. Bring reference tool (T1) to desired Z point, say 5 inchs from chuck jaw, or end of stock, etc. Some daewoos and doosans used a non Fanuc servo drive for the turret. For older controls you could add a logic check in the post that omits the M6 if current tool is same as tool being called. HELP!!! Similar Threads: May 31, 2021 · That is the Fanuc control panel, the rest if it is the W&S specific control So to call up a tool when I want to set I should use T__00 (ex. 2047 Turret Clamp Switch Alarm or Turret Control Unit Alarm " Machine won't clear it. The machine just hangs. Are there any other parameters I should be concerned with? I know I believe I need to reset reference position with parameter 1815, but I also heard I might have to reset 1850 (grid shift) to 0 as well? 4. Diagnostics #452 Turret adjust switch. Aug 19, 2004 · I unplugged the cable going to the turret after the index had finished and got a "T-Sensor" alarm. Need Help!-Fanuc 0i-MC How to force waiting tool pot move to tool change Make sure you check the tool changer arm alignment slowly rotating through before running a tool change at full speed. So our current tool change macro looks something like this. May 3, 2006 · These were used with Fanuc drillmate OMB and OMC models. The fans come on but the motor isn’t turning. Shot pin assemblies are also mounted beyond the punch and die locations to optimize alignment at the tool during the punch cycle. Click the button below to see how to do the Tool Preset. The machine has two prox switches on the turret. DouglasJRizzo Titanium. It was after that that I noticed the turret has slipped around (radially) which now means the tools are off centre to the spindle. Can't Zero Z axis while mid tool Page 1FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL A Tool Life Management Specifications FANUC Series 30i/31i/32i−MODEL A Title Tool Life Management Specifications Draw A-79409E No. The turret slammed into the chuck. 3) 1097 ALARM FROM SEVO-TURRET (A9. How to adjust spindle orientation? Basically its relatively simple. Nov 28, 2016 · Today the turret will index around to the correct tool, clamp for a half second, then release. At that point the turret is free to turn, and it throws a "No. Jul 20, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright May 27, 2011 · We checked the 2 E stop switches and they are both reset. Previous to this post, I loosened the bolts on the turret face and indicated the VDI pockets concentric with the spindle. Any ideas? Share Add a Comment 2004 puma 240L fanuc 21i-TB we had the servo battery go bad 3. A is the live tool driver, and T is the turret. 7) 1011 TURRET NOT ORIENTATION (A1. Mori Seiki SL-153. I've spent the last couple weeks getting it tooled up, setting up dnc with rs232, and getting the turret aligned The FANUC RoboDrill is a high-performance machining center, known worldwide as the most reliable machine manufactured today. Dec 16, 2011 · The machine is a Mori Seiki DL150Y with MSC-518 control. Outside tools are T1111 - T2020. 2064, AL-64 Turret Index Time Over". 1 in MDI mode. If the turret isn't lined up correctly, it won't seat all the way down. clamp the turret, and make sure it's clamped, it still has a coupling it locks in to. Apr 9, 2016 · The original problem I was fixing was tools being off-center by quite a bit. Connections from the end of the turret wiring cable to micro switch are fine. It happens if you hit reset during toolchange, or e-stop or various other reasons. 6 tapping retraction Oct 16, 2018 · I am working on a turning center that was recently crashed during a tool change. Then if one is using a tool library in CAM, the library number can be set to the drum position. The APZ bit of parameter 1815 has gone to zero for all these axes. I am in the same situation. 1 on the disc and re fit it according to the tool number as if when u call tool no. miltronic; Jun 8 I can run the program just fine but when it comes to tool change, it can only index on way. 5202#1 is set to 1, select G30 tapping retraction 0: Execute address signal G62. 2023 EACH TOOL INDEXING IS NOT FINISHED WITHIN 10SEC AFTER TOOL INDEX COMMAND. HELP!!! Jan 16, 2009 · It unclamps rotates and seems to get lost. It was straightforward. The tool change should occur with command: Txxyy (xx tool number, yy offset number) But I don't know, if commands M6 or P9020 would be Nov 23, 2018 · (µ/ý XÔâÊvñCCPEâæ0333³²33SJ˜ÆéîF’”±SR" m’D–[à‹1Ƭñ‰^#Íñ•è5ôç1ˆQü¶62Úšf-ö˜4Ì„ý¡ + ý P m»Ø ëD˜zÔ 7—Ü'Ò›IaÄusPêÌœn&}àº9. + is unclamp - minus is clamp Unclamp the turret, select T in the hand wheel mode, jog the turret with the hand wheel to position 1. Jun 26, 2012 · Hey guys, This afternoon our Hardinge Conquest T42 developed a problem with the turret. It's a Fanuc i Series control. Jun 25, 2019 · Tool T-4 is in the spindle, and it says tool T-11 is loaded on the screen. 5 change to a 1 Right to left 0 start Exec button Exit custom Turret +/- now clamp/unclamp the turret. The arm rotates to take a hold of the tool in the turret and the tool in the spindle. replaced those it Putting the machine in hand wheel, move the X axis to this position and either sweep the X axis plane with an indicator (usually an empty tool pocket on the turret) or use a coaxial indicator in the spindle and sweep a boring bar. What happened was I accidentally called up the wrong tool while setting up and the turret indexed around to the next tool thus clobbering the chuck. Fuji drive and motor. The number in your Z geometry offset should be, for example, + 1. A few times we were able to get it to work again for two or three cycles before it alarms out, and once we were able ran around 300 cycles before alarming. 17)Count the turret sensor signals, with a dwell time for coasting as set by the turret factor, until the requested tool position is reached. This is a 1981 Takisawa TS20 with the Fanuc 6T. I would disconnect the wires that go from the Servo Drive to the motor first and see if the alarm 401 clears. Jan 31, 2024 · I run have two old Miyanos with FANUC OT controls. 5" x 6" cover on front side top way in the back and below 2 sets of gears I happened to notice 2 sensors barely sticking out pointing to each one of the gear dogs. tooling. I have a problem. It should be noted that this function is an optional function on FANUC Oi-TD and 31i systems. I just got my 1992 fanuc drillmate 10 T with 0M controll wired up and running. 4. 001 and re checked it, all ok there. Turret has been disassembled and assembled by someone but now the turret station number doesn't match with programmed tool number. Seems to me if it was a Fanuc drive, the alarm would be a Fanuc alarm instead of builder Dec 11, 2019 · So 1st thing is how to get the turret back into a tool slot ? and 2nd how do I get By gerry1960 in forum Fanuc Replies: 1 Last Post: 01-12-2016, 11:00 PM. Edit Date Design Description page 1/67 Date Sep. Hit Estop mid tool change. Older machines use a hydraulic valve and geneva mechanism. Ladder; Look at the PMC status bits. This can happen when interrupt a tool change in progress. com Mar 17, 2020 · The tool turret is a Duplomatic BSV-N (electronic, not hydraulic) with absolute encoder. Pressurized air goes ON. now all i need to do is a turret recovery to get the reset the tool number and ill be Feb 7, 2007 · One of our Victor V-Turn 36's has developed a problem with the turret. Scratched my head for a while, indexed the turret, powered the machine down and restarted, same thing, no index to tool 4. Found the solution to this if you have a Fanuc Oi-TD with servo based turret. Every time we indexed the turret, the turret would jump 2 tool stations. Then I cannot even index manually. If we input T0202 it would jump to tool T0404 but the screen would show T0202. After doing the above procedures I have gotten the display on the servo, tool # display on the front of the machine and the actual tool in the machine to all agree that Tool#1 is in fact in position. Apprv. It unclamps rotates and seems to get lost. Before I get ahead of myself, this is a slant turn machine with V. Home position has been lost on the right side X, Z, A, and T. Repeat for the other tools, coming back to the same Z location. Make all 1's to clear tool clamp alarm and allow you to tool change to another tool. Jun 30, 2004 · I know on a Fanuc lathe you can change a parameter that does not move the axis when the offset cancels. <just guessing>. If the turret is not clamped check the relay as previously suggested. Large tool door allows easy access to the turret for quick tool loading. They are twins and are both having the same problem with the tool turret. Now I have a 520 Alarm. I know very little about this part. Not sure if it is the same parameter number or not. Programs still there. They don't deal with what each builder wants to do as far as how the auxiliary devices are built, controlled, sensed, etc. Fanuc just provides a tool (PMC) for the machine builder to write software (ladder program) to control whatever equipment the machine May 8, 2023 · ok so here was the fix smh i loosened the big locking nut in the center of the turret about a 1/4 turn that freed up the turret to move by hand and there is a detent ball that locked it into the proper position so simple and no parameter changing or anything. " Sep 17, 2018 · Managed to reset the turret position accordingly and everything is working as it should (apart from an audible clunk when going either way past turret position 13? - everything else is near silent) Issue i'm having now is, randomly the position of the turret on the LCD display on the Fanuc control panel randomly changes during a program. TAPPING THE INTERRUPT Rigid tapping retraction parameters: No. Jan 4, 2014 · The first thing you need to do is measure one of the 3 boring tools that are the same, using a granite plate and height gage or whatever you have. May 28, 2015 · Fanuc has no idea what type, or even if, a turret or toolchange device will be installed on a machine with their control. It has a Fanuc-P System 6M controller. The chuck knocked the turret out of rotation. 3 both to "1" 3 change "parameter write"= back to "o", then press "reset"' key nc alarm should be gone. Will try another offset number and reset tool 4 to see if its a code or machine prob. Its an emco maier e 45 lathe thanks, AB Jun 29, 2015 · Dealing with a turret problem on a Doosan 2500sy, an alarm numbered 2047 appears at the end of the programming and on the change while reloading from position 1 to the next position (start of next cycle), a trembeling and noice that I cant determ if it occurs from the clamp or from a sudden and iregular rotation of the motor back and forth. Try using you teach procedure and simply reteach your turret with tool 1 at spindle. You will have to look for PMC parameters for turret servo. Feb 22, 2009 · I have a '93 Fanuc Robodrill T10-a. Jul 11, 2007 · This may all be related to a soft thermal on the turret indexing motor (if the turret is indexed with a Fanuc Servo). Fanuc provides a built-in PLC (PMC in Fanuc speak) for the machine tool builder to utilize. (See Turret (ATC), ESTABLISH TOOL ORDER Apr 10, 2012 · Update: the turret is not locking in place. Test tool changes. Here's the alarm code and message: NO. ’04 Desig. the operating last running the machine shut it down in between a tool change so the z axis was in a tool change position and is now stuck . The turret is gear-driven from the outer edge for smooth, precise and fast tool change. say T0101 means tool no. Jul 24, 2018 · 2005 Hyundai/Kia SKT 250 Fanuc Oi-TC(D) beta servo turret, hydraulic clamp/unclamp. I don't get Jul 19, 2019 · If I don't move the turret to a new position and attempt to set tool 1 using the "Qsetter" it will open the table to tool 1. What is the turret reset parameter? The machine has a servo turret. :angry: Had run a couple hundred parts(bar work), over a thousand tool changes today. On the MDI screen, I cannot enter a new command. If I don't move the turret to a new position and attempt to set tool 1 using the "Qsetter" it will open the table to tool 1. Tool change to the next tool and insert into the spindle. Mar 9, 2014 · It's a Takisawa LA250Y with live tools. I pulled my hair out for a week when it first happened to me. When the z goes up to engage the tool turret for a tool change, the spindle goes up too high. Does anyone know how to read and set this thing? It's an Sumtak Optcoder, type IP-11256, dc 24v 150ma, no# 8604-0092 The turret is properly rotating and changing the tool, but afterwards it gives the alert 1022 M. The reset procedure should be in one of their manuals. and how to reset the control so it I go through the whole turret reset method in the maintenance manual, though the method in the main part of the manual and the one in the back of the manual are slightly different. Then touch off all your tools to set the tool geometry offsets. 1 the disc has the tool no. Rotate the disc by hand. Although PMC title data says it is a MCV-1020A The Z axis is locked out (no jog,hand wheel) No M codes can be entered unless all axis are Zero first. style turning tool. Femco CNC lathe is a 2005 model. 2. May 11, 2013 · I then went in and unclamped the turret, via Fanuc's re-zero procedure, manually rotated the turret back to tool #1 station, re-clamped, and then reset 11 to 10000001. Jan 12, 2003 · 2- Select and install the proper tool ( turning/boring/back turning) into the turret. Any help would be greatly appreciated. . Having alarm on SL-25BSY, says ex2240f servo turret unclamped. I set all inside positions and single tool holders to T0101 - T1010. HELP!!! Similar Threads: amada turret punch problem Need Help: Amada Pega 357 with Apr 10, 2023 · Throughout the execution of the program, verify proper clamping / unclamping of the turret, and tool # position as commanded by the program. Powered back up, everything was zeroed and good to go. Change keep relay #K5. Oct 4, 2007 · The turret would unclamp but that was it, would not rotate. The machine alarm light is on, turret does one of a couple things. Mar 26, 2011 · It unclamps rotates and seems to get lost. How do I change the turret position when it does a tool change? It wants to go to a spot it crashes tools into part and/or chuck. Aug 18, 2020 · I like to touch the front of the turret to the finished face of the part. Does it randomly when changing tools. Nov 18, 2004 · It is a Hydraulic/Servo Turret, Fanuc 0i Mate CNC Control. Servo motors driving the Turret. I tried to unclamp it and rotate with hand by keep relay 5. Your machine doesn't know where to start. It cant find the tools correctly. 6- Press INSERT. iqgwfad ejpz hvnc hzdf ddc drvsx auhnn sxokl mmv bpcxlb