Stm32 i2c hal example May 11, 2022 · IC2_TIMINGR configuration example table. (although changes İf you use another board, for example STM32F103C8 BluePill, just change that to stm32f1xx_hal. I would like to create a code which will work same as I2C Eeprom, but when I ask the stm32 (with another MCU) to return me a register or registers value, the returned registers are shifted by 1 register. You can find the repository here: STM32Cube GitHub; For example, for STM32F4 series, you can navigate to the STM32CubeF4 repository. h” library to be able to use HAL library (I2C HAL library included) #include "stm32l0xx_hal. Jul 7, 2016 · HAL_I2C_Mem_Read performs a I2C write operation to select the memory address to read and then reads N bytes (start, I2C address + Write, Memory address, repeated start, I2C address + Read, N bytes, stop) HAL_I2C_Mem_Write performs a I2C write operation to select the memory address to read and then writes N bytes (start, I2C address + Write, Memory address, repeated start, I2C address + Write Oct 28, 2020 · while (HAL_I2C_GetState(&hi2c2) != HAL_I2C_STATE_READY) { } HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT(&hi2c2, 0x60, buffer, 2); will do the trick. 4. There were several examples of blocking implementations and a couple of questions on st-community. i. The UART will be used to send the address readings to the PC (with USB-TTL), and the I2C master will do the address scanning as we’ll see next. Contribute to macgeorge/STM32-example-codes development by creating an account on GitHub. g. 15. e. The sample project is here, however I didn't have any I2C devices with me at the moment, there isn't a Stm32 I2C communication with HAL code example; SPI Basics. h in our BME280_STM32. Driver HD44780 LCD1602 for STM32 with HAL drivers I2C bus or 4-bit bus - taburyak/LCD1602_I2C_OR_4BIT_STM32 Dec 25, 2023 · This article will guide you on how to implement I2C on an STM32 using bare metal C. [STM32 HAL] I2C#Protocol + BME280. This is what TI tells me to do (I have ADS1115). c. We will be utilising an STM32F412ZG Nucleo board, although the method to implement I2C is very similar, if not This repo contains a simple library and an example to use a STM as I2C peripheral (deprecated term: „slave“). Enable the I2C CLOCK and GPIO CLOCK 2. Based on STM32Cube HAL functions, I2C data transfer can be performed in 3 modes: Blocking Mode, Interrupt Mode or DMA Mode. The datasheet sounds like we have to use sequential transfer. Understanding STMicro Reset Handler example code for STM32. Nov 16, 2021 · In this article we will show you how to add asynchronous I2C target code using the STM32cubeIDE tool for I2C configuration and then include the necessary code to handle the I2C target asynchronous mode using interrupts. Contribute to eziya/STM32F4_HAL_EXAMPLES development by creating an account on GitHub. Feb 15, 2022 · Dear, I currently use a STM32G070 with external touch sensor component usuing I2C interface. Dec 23, 2016 · STM32(CubeMx) HAL 라이브러리를 사용해 보자(I2C통신을 이용하여 외장 메모리(AT24C02) 읽고 쓰기 ) The application note is organized in three parts. 예를 들어서, EERPOM 의 특정 주소에 저장된 값을 읽어오고자 한다면, Sep 9, 2020 · The I2C standard supports such multi-master configurations, and I wrote software for the ATmega several years ago that does this. The code is stripped of the COINES abstraction layer and built around the STM32 HAL instead. h " #include "Funct. Contribute to joseluu/STM32-Examples development by creating an account on GitHub. What was really hard to find was an adequate example of implementing an i2c slave on STM32 using interrupts. Mar 23, 2020 · Finally, resume the master. The third part is an overview of the content of the firmware accompanying this application note. The communication is performed in polling mode. Contribute to Bendikos/STM32_Examples development by creating an account on GitHub. Nov 18, 2005 · Contribute to eziya/STM32_LL_EXAMPLES development by creating an account on GitHub. Feb 10, 2015 · It appears the STM32F4xx HAL I2C library does not support this directly, since HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() sends STOP after the data. For example, to write to the configuration register to set the ADS111x to continuous-conversion mode and then read the conversion result, send the following bytes in this order: github:stm32-rs:stm32f4 Rust by Example The Cargo Guide stm32f4xx_hal:: i2c Struct I2c Copy item path Source. The I2C_adress ist 0x43 (or 0x86 if shifted left). 该仓库包含STM32F103C8T6和STM32F407ZGT6的例子. I would like to try a simple communication between two nucleo board; an F4 and an L4. I use I2C-tools to test firmware (HAL-based), I2C, STM32L0 MCU. For a beginner’s guide to May 13, 2017 · STM32F0 I2C Master Mode Example. Thanks to its relatively complicated signaling and protocol, a logic analyzer is your best bet when it comes to I2C debugging. If, for example, we look at the ITG-3200, the datasheet states the following: Jul 24, 2024 · The STM32Cube repository on GitHub contains firmware packages for various STM32 series. Aug 9, 2022 · There could be many reasons why the I2C needs the delay. This driver provides a high-level set of APIs designed to abstract away the complexity of the MCU and its peripherals in a highly portable fashion. Also, we will build an example project using STM32 NUCLEO-F446RE development board in STM32CubeIDE that will print some text and integer value to the LCD module. The goal of this repo is to show how to use BHY2-Sensor-API with the STM32 family MCUs and Cube software. www. There is an example for this May 18, 2022 · Objective: implement a single byte I²C slave on STM32. It also means that without the ready check, your code could work as intended if you call your interrupt HAL at a low enough frequency, because then, the bus is always ready when you need it. I added freeRTOS with CMSIS_V2 (from CubeMX) + one I2C task, copy the I2C functionality from Main loop to the I2C task, DONE - ALL work like a charm!!! Many Thanks. Jun 16, 2021 · I2C is used and the interrupt method communicates, but when it is done through the polling method, communication is not possible. I set up my I2C with CubeMX in 400kHz mode and already used to interact with a BME280 sensor. Using I2C on STM32 is not very complicated, once one clears the hurdle of setting up the clock configuration. STM32 MCU: STM32L152RDT6 STM32 is slave and Arduino is master. I try to write a simple code using HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() and This is a comprehensive guide for STM32 I2C LCD Interfacing (I2C LCD 16×2, 20×4, and Multiple I2C LCDs). st. 4 MAC layer ) Touch library Board support package (BSP)Low-layer APIs (LL)Hardware abstraction layer APIs (HAL) Utilities CMSIS HAL and LL APIs STM32Cube MCU Package examples for STM32WB Series AN5155 Application note AN5155 - Rev 7 - November 2022 May 26, 2018 · i2c Sequential Transfer. That is a topic Jun 3, 2023 · Here is an example function that puts the IC into single measurement mode: The next call to HAL_I2C_Master_Receive() STM32 I2C Only Transmits Once. Main I2C HAL functions. Nov 13, 2021 · What is I2C Communication? I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a two-wire serial communication system used between integrated circuits. 8. h" WARNING: We used the printf() function in this library. Mar 9, 2021 · Hello, so I am trying to set up a INA3221 current/voltage/power sensor with my STM32F469I-Disoc board. If you wish to go deeper than HAL I suggest you start with the section on I2C/SPI in the Reference Manual for your STM32. Best regards Dariusz Nov 27, 2021 · In our case we can add also “stm32l0xx_hal. Note that the address should be 0x48 (with A0 tied to ground on the TMP102), but we need to left-shift that byte by 1 bit, as we are using a 7-bit address. But a more or less working project, where there is an implementation of several registers of In this tutorial, we will cover the STM32 USART peripheral. Dec 10, 2021 · In the previous guides, we took a look how to scan the i2c bus for peripherals (), read single byte (), write single byte (), read multiple-bytes and multiple-bytes(). Wiring Many of the examples are inspired by the book (Mastering STM32 by Carmine Noviello) I've tried to make them more useful for real products or projects. In this tutorial, we will explain the basic principles of Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication and a closer look at the I2C hardware of the STM32 microcontroller. Mar 18, 2019 · eziya/STM32F4_HAL_EXAMPLES. By sequencing functions, I am referring to: HAL_I2C_Slave_Seq_Receive_DMA() and HAL_I2C_Slave_Seq_Transmit_DMA(). I need to be able to RX an address, then a pointer, and then either read or write data on a restart, multiple bytes, then a stop. com. 사용 보드 : STM32F4-DISCO. The interface can operate in one of the four following modes: 1. SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface. – STM32_CPAL_Template: located in the Project folder. 0, Thread, and 802. In this page, we will learn about I2C serial protocol and how to implement it on an STM32F4 MCU. What is I2C? Sep 27, 2024 · STM32 I2C Mode selection. github. When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. I2C (EEPROM 24C256) Apr 19, 2017 · I2C HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit HAL_I2C_Master_Receive Timeout behavior in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-11-12 HAL_BUSY from LM75 via I2C on STM32L0538-Discovery in STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools 2024-10-21 An example of STM32Cube HAL project for communication with Bosch BHI360 IMU via I2C. (It is unlikely to Sep 4, 2020 · stm32cubemxを利用したhalドライバによるi2c eeprom制御コードの記録です。ターゲットマイコン:stm32l152re一部結果の入出力関数、遅延関数については割愛しております。 Jul 4, 2016 · Posted on July 04, 2016 at 09:30 Hi, I am trying to read the content of an EEPROM,24AA02E48T, using HAL I2C library. The registers are described in the Reference Manual, including sample code. To get you started, we will show you how to interface the MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope sensor module with the STM32 Nucleo Board using I2C. Source: RM0091, 26. Best Regards, Micha Simple example of using vl53l0x distance sensor. Tutorial documents in Markdown. pub struct I2c<I2C: Sep 16, 2021 · I advise you to start with the I2C example available under STM32CubeF1 MCU package, to use I2C via DMA: \STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1. Contribute to Amomum/stm32_vl53l0x_example development by creating an account on GitHub. extern void HAL_I2C_ListenCpltCallback (I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c) { HAL_I2C_EnableListen_IT(hi2c); } Inside the callback we will enable the listen mode again, so that the device is always looking for the command/data from the master. Sep 3, 2019 · Let’s look at how to connect a simple I2C device to a STM32 Nucleo board to read temperature data using the STM32 HAL API. HAL_I2C_Master_Receive() function is for reading the data regarding transmitted register from slave device. To read data from I2C slave device, add the following code to main. Just check datasheet (I looking into STM32F0) and you can see that the limit is 255 bytes (register CR2:NBYTES), I'm not sure if there is another limitation in HAL, but using direct access to registers you can sent 255 bytes at once or fragment it and sent how much you want. h " In “Private variables” has been defined two privates variable htim2 and hi2c1; Background For each of their MCU series, STMicroelectronics offers an embedded firmware package which includes, among other things, a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) driver. Reading data from I2C slave using HAL driver. 1. HAL_I2C_Mem_Write() and HAL_I2C_Mem_Read() are also available for reading and writing to a certain memory location. HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() function is for transmitting slave device address and register. ) Like BMP/E280, this module is confusing. com Time stamps:Theory of i2c: 01:18Hardware initialization: 14:12Important I2C HAL functions: 15:44In this video I describe how I2C interface works in general a SW4STM32(System Workbench for STM32)とSTM32CubeMX(初期化コード生成ツール)でI2Cをいじっています。STM32標準のHALライブラリを使えば、コマンド1行でI2Cを簡単に扱えますが、サンプルコードから少し外れた使い方をしようとするといきなり行き詰まってしまいまし 이런 경우에는 HAL_I2C_Master_Sequential_Transmit 또는 HAL_I2C_Master_Sequential_Receive 함수를 사용해서 통신 중간에 STOP condition 을 생성하지 않도록 해야 함. It is a synchronous serial communication protocol commonly used F411CEU6_HMC5883L_I2C: Compass module HMC5883L using I2C. ] (+) Transmit in master mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode using HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT() (+) At transmission end of transfer, HAL_I2C_MasterTxCpltCallback() is executed and users can add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_I2C_MasterTxCpltCallback() (+) Receive in Oct 19, 2017 · I'm trying to use the HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady function but reading the ST documentation I can't understand completely how it works. 0, Zigbee 3. The I2C interface is one such peripheral. For my pull-up resistors I use 4,7k on SDA and same on SCL. gluing together the HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() and HAL_I2C_Master_Recieve() functions and removing the intervening STOP). May 29, 2024 · How To Configure I2C On STM32. I2C must be running in standard or fast mode and clock stretching must be enabled: Sep 3, 2019 · ret = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, TMP102_ADDR, buf, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY); We pass in a handle to our I2C typedef with &hi2c1 and the address of the TMP102 on the bus. This is a pernicious HAL_I2C_Mem_Write; HAL_I2C_Mem_Read; HAL_I2C_Master_Seq_Transmit_* HAL_I2C_Master_Seq_Receive_* Since the provided documentation is woefully inadequate, and there are zero examples provided with the Example folders on how to use these in context (which probably means they are broken, like a lot of HAL is). Setup time by the chip or the I2C controller come to my mind for example. To be particular, I am using AT24C256, which is a 256Kb Serial EEPROM utilizing an I 2 C (2-wire) serial interface. – STM32_CPAL_Examples: located in the Project folder. Br 第一引数はCubeMX御用達の構造体、第二引数はIMUのI2Cアドレス(ただし1bitシフトが必要 1 )、第三引数はIMUのPWR_MGMT_1レジスタのアドレス(0x6B)、第四引数はレジスタは1バイトなので1バイト、第五引数は書き込み値なので自分で定義した配列ret[1]={0}のアドレス、第六引数は書き込みデータサイズな Sep 3, 2019 · ret = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, TMP102_ADDR, buf, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY); We pass in a handle to our I2C typedef with &hi2c1 and the address of the TMP102 on the bus. Oct 5, 2019 · 起動すると、TeraTermなどで以下出力が表示されると思います。 それでは、I2Cのコードを記述しましょう。 まずは、Si7020のI2Cアドレス0x40に0xF5を送信し、湿度を入手します。 Aug 3, 2022 · I2C CR2 (control register 2) has, among other things, NBYTES field. So the first step is to choose one I2C interface and configure its pins. * The communication is done using two STM32 Boards. I just want to confirm this before writing some code (i. Jul 13, 2021 · I see there are sequencing functions, but have found no examples or documentation on how to use them. Feb 4, 2022 · The list of examples provided in the table 2, on the AN4735 Application note STM32Cube firmware examples for STM32F0 Series; Have a look also at this FAQ: STM32 I2C does not work, which describes general tips related to I2C on STM32 devices. How to scan an I2C bus using STM32 HAL. Configure the I2C PINs for ALternate Functions a) Select Alternate Function in MODER Register b) Select Open Drain Output c) Select High SPEED for the PINs d) Select Pull-up for both the Pins e) Configure the Alternate Function in AFR Register 3. In this tutorial, we will discuss about STM32 I2C communication modes, hardware overview and functionalities, I2C interrupts, handling I2C transactions for both master and slave including HAL APIs for I2C for different I2C modes. * @brief This example shows how to use I2C HAL API to transmit and receive * a data buffer with a communication process based on DMA transfer. From Stm32World Wiki. Feb 3, 2018 · In the sample code below; HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady() function is for controlling I2C device connection. I really do not like my code, it is ugly. Hope this helps, STM32 SPI Interfacing with HAL Example Code; Our other STM32-related tutorials are: Getting Started with FreeRTOS in STM32; Interfacing STM32 with I2C LCD : HAL example code included; How to create a project in stm32CubeMX for Keil uvision Ide; How to create stm32 project in stm32cubeide with example code; STM32 Timer tutorial using interrupt Peripheral access API for STM32H7 series microcontrollers - stm32-rs/stm32h7xx-hal Jun 3, 2021 · I get always zeros from my code. Have a look at this FAQ "STM32 I2C does not work" describes few tips related to I2C peripheral on STM32 devices. This component aloow me to communicate with it only during a ready window and this window is automatically closed after a delay without communication or a I2C STOP. On this picture Various STM32 examples from different projects. 0. This can be achieved by following two functions in HAL: HAL_I2C_Master_Sequential_Transmit_IT() HAL_I2C_Master_Sequential_Receive_IT() Dec 2, 2018 · This answer is not about using HAL with I2C, but hope it will point you. HAL Detailed Function Description. I've added new examples such as NOKIA5110, FIT0484 Motor, LM35DZ, HD44780, BME280, DS3231, 25LC010A, MAX7219 and u8g2, CRC with SRecord, Meta information, etc. Since we are using I2C, so the code remains same across all the STM32 Devices that supports I2C. We will also cover how to handle UART protocol in STM32 and create an example project in interrupt mode using the STM32 NUCLEO-F446RE development board that will transmit and receive data between stm32 and the host computer via USB port. So we are switching to this library. Before you include and set up the library as below, the I2S hardware peripheral has to be configured Below are the steps shown for configuring the I2C in STM32F4 /**** STEPS FOLLOWED ***** 1. 4\Projects\STM32F103RB-Nucleo\Examples\I2C\I2C_TwoBoards_ComDMA. I think, that it would be correct to recieve data by interrupt only and parse them in FreeRTOS task. Jun 17, 2023 · \$\begingroup\$ Ali - Hi, I have improved the code formatting to match what you wrote in your duplicate (now deleted) question. Mastering STM32 Testing Examples. STM32 HAL Drivers Examples HAL GPIO APIs. This code snippet read data from the I2C slave with address I2C_SLAVE_ADDR by calling the API HAL_I2C_Master_Receive() every second. 3, Mesh V1. But the thing I really don't understand is why does it works fine when I use the receive and transmit functions in blocking mode and why it does not work when I'm using non-blocking function with DMA. What data to write/read and from which memory location to write/read you have to find from sensor data sheet. 10. (There are two versions but we use the HAL one. In the same manner, there are low-level hardware drivers for almost all the hardware peripherals in the STM32 microcontrollers. İf you use another board, for example STM32F103C8 BluePill, just change that to stm32f1xx_hal. , PWM, I2C, UART). Each package includes examples organized by peripheral (e. The 7 This project implements an I2C slave device using the HAL library of the STM32 microcontroller. Dec 8, 2017 · I tried to wait till state READY but it's just an endless loop. The first part describes the I2C master programming examples using Polling, DMA and Interrupts. Is there something you see immediately. Aug 22, 2019 · Currently, I am implementing I2C transfer with DMA to get a fixed number of bytes. I would suggest that you start by using one of the example projects, to get familiar with how the HAL I2C works In this tutorial, we will interface STM32 with a 16×2 LCD module by using I2C based PCF8574 I/O expender. . . This function calls HAL_I2C_Init() with a configuration structure to initialise the I2C2. A driver library by Jeff Rowberg is available. This folder contains the examples provided by STMicroelectronics for I2C peripheral showing how to use the CPAL library in a final user application. Contribute to ziteh/stm32-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. Don't call HAL_I2C_EnableListen_IT when you're using blocking transfer functions. I've decided to port it to the STM32, and though there are 20+ I2C examples in the HAL driver library, none of them demonstrate what I'm trying to do. Both functions SystemClock_Config and MX_GPIO_Init are generated by CubeMX to configure the system clock as we’ve done in the GUI before and the GPIO pin which we’ve selected to be an output pin. The HAL Library offers the function HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady to check if the device is ready for communication, you should probably look into that function. Please read the tour & help center to see the main site rules and to see how Stack Exchange differs from typical forums e. Apr 4, 2022 · As to the LL commands, I've had a quick look and they seem to provide function-calls to access the stm32 peripheral registers for I2C. So, what is the difference between the ' trials' and the ' timeout' parameters? In many examples, I found something like this: while(HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, EEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS,1, HAL_MAX_DELAY)); ? ? Use HAL_I2C_Mem_Write() and HAL_I2C_Mem_Read() HAL APIs for writing and reading data through I2C interface from the sensor. (#) Initialize the I2C registers by calling the HAL_I2C_Init(), configures also the low level STM32 HAL Initialization Functions. Why is this? Below I have written a simple code. Also, the I2C pins, SDA, and SCL can be configured on different pins. As an example, we are using a 1Mbit M24M02 EEPROM to demonstrate how I2C protocol works and how it should be configured properly. Each STM32 model features a varying number of I2C interfaces. #include "stm32f1xx_hal. So, I try to communicate multiple time STM32_WPAN (Bluetooth 5. Mar 28, 2020 · For this example project, you’ll need to configure one UART peripheral and one I2C interface in master mode. In the HAL library, there are several functions that provide us an easy solution to program I2C communication, particularly for Master mode. on Stack Exchange, questions can be edited to improve them e. Dec 21, 2021 · *** Interrupt mode IO operation *** ===== [. For this article, a Total Phase Aardvark is used as the I2C controller. The interaction with this sensor works without a pr Getting started with the STM32 HAL development environment. It allows you to define a register map with auto-incremental read and write requests. *** Polling mode IO operation *** ===== [. void HAL_I2C_MspInit(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c) Jan 6, 2025 · See the documentation of the HAL_I2C_Mem_Write function - it's in the source code, and there will also be a PDF version for the particular STM32 family you're using. After modifying the code to scan the I2C bus, I found out that the module I got is an QMC5883L. You’ll learn how to use our STM32 I2C LCD Library and create some example projects to practice what we’ll be learning in this tutorial. In this tutorial we will interface an I2C based EEPROM with our beloved STM32. Like any serial protocol, one of its advantages is that of using only two lines that transmit or receive a sequence of bits, the limit is the communication speed which has been improved over the years. to clarify, add new info, make them easier to read etc. @jounathaen Looking at the I2C examples on this repository I could not find one simple enough for me to follow - super new to rust as well - so after reading some documentation and looking at example implementations on device libraries I came up with this example i2c scanner for stm32f1xx, and tried to make code simple and README detailed, so anyone can follow it. STM32 Scan I²C bus. where SBC is "Slave Byte Control", which is set in I2C CR1, specifics of what it is are of course in the I2C section of the reference manual. STM32F4 LL Driver Examples. This folder contains a. - STM32-Tutorial/STM32 Tutorial 04 - I2C Module (pca9685) using HAL (and FreeRTOS). Contribute to eziya/STM32_LL_EXAMPLES development by creating an account on GitHub. pdf at master · mnemocron/STM32-Tutorial Dec 8, 2021 · I start recently with stm32 and HAL library. Materials: STM32L452RE Nucleo-64 board, HAL Library, CH341 USB-I²C adapter(1), Artix Linux with Runit, Rhode & Schwarz RTB2004 oscillosco Sep 28, 2016 · As I understand, HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT turns interrupt on during execution. Sep 3, 2019 · ret = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, TMP102_ADDR, buf, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY); We pass in a handle to our I2C typedef with &hi2c1 and the address of the TMP102 on the bus. Thanks in advance, Mike Simple examples for STM32 LL, HAL and LibOpenCM3. Master transmit without stop condition and restart condition with direction change for reading. Including Timers, ADC, USART, I2C, USB, DAC, Comparators, etc. h " #include "Var. Interrupt method w Oct 26, 2021 · The original I2C example is based on HAL functions: HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT() and HAL_I2C_Master_Receive_IT. After connecting an SHT3x sensor to your microcontroller via I2C and initialising the bus using Cube you can use this library to interact with the sensor as shown in the following example. Set up and connect an I2C master and I2C slave on a single Nucleo board and verify operation. The second part describes the I2C slave programming examples using DMA and Interrupts. I have implemented in Arduino which will send I2C (#) Configure the Communication Clock Timing, Own Address1, Master Addressing mode, Dual Addressing mode, Own Address2, Own Address2 Mask, General call and Nostretch mode in the hi2c Init structure. For example, the STM32F411RE that comes with the STM32 Nucleo-64 board includes 3 I2Cs modules. ] (+) Transmit in master mode an amount of data in blocking mode using @ref HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() (+) Receive in master mode an amount of data in blocking mode using @ref HAL_I2C_Master_Receive Mar 20, 2023 · Hi, I'm trying to setup a stm32g070kb (32pin) MCU as I2C slave by using CubeIDE. h in our BNO055_STM32. Mar 17, 2018 · I have also written a simple I2C address scanner (for STM32 and I tried an Arduino I2C address scanner) and it's the same story: IR sensor responded with ACK (on address 0x5A) and EEPROM responded with NACK on every possible 7-bit address :\ (also on 0x50, the A0, A1, A2 address pins are tied to GND, I also tried it with external pull-up Jun 28, 2019 · When you're using the non-blocking, interrupt based HAL functions, I would define all the HAL_I2C_*() callback functions, in order to be able to react to the interrupts (you're polling the state right now to see when the operation is finished). The breakpoint in HAL_I2C_MasterTxCpltCallback() will trigger: The call stack will show how the main() function was interrupted by the I2C interrupt, that invoked HAL_I2C_EV_IRQHandler() function, that, in turn, called HAL_I2C_MasterTxCpltCallback(). h header file. I2C Communication Problem using Dec 20, 2023 · You're not using the library according to the instructions. zqjbv oukbkf honbyk aigiz vytxze woql kgbru wzcqy uahli itdkf