
Union township zoning. Public Legal Notices.

Union township zoning Payment can be made by check or money order only. Administrative and Zoning Office: 740-929-3111 Roads: 740-928-2376 P. 4600 ext 241 to report properties at or near 12" of grass/weeds. They are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. All members are township residents and serve a five year term. Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) Audit Meeting Agenda 03/26/2025 03-11-2025. Boards & Professionals; Budget; Commercial Recycling Forms and Reporting; Impact Fee; Magistrate Union Township has a zoning office and zoning officer to answer your questions and issue zoning permits as well as assist your in sub division and land development issues. Home; Officials Show sub menu. Planning Commission Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the last Monday of the Zoning Permit Application Announcements and News. Town Hall 1976 Morris Ave. Our Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer has office hours at the Township building. Union Township Zoning Resolution was adopted in 1959 as the Township continued to increase in population. Township Code. Required fields are marked *. Longitude Buffalo Township of Union County 2115 Strickler Road Mifflinburg, PA 17844 (570) 966-4004. Brett Guilette Email: [email protected] Phone: 920 Union is a city in and the county seat of Franklin County, Missouri, United States. hqlozruwk %rurxjk (ol]dehwk &lw\ 0rxqwdlqvlgh %rurxjk 6sulqj4hog 7rzqvkls 6xpplw&lw\ 0dsohzrrg 7rzqvkls 0looexuq %PDF-1. Union Township is one of the eleven townships of Warren County, Ohio, located in the central part of the county. Prepared By: The Union Area Reginal Planning Commission . Share this: Facebook; X ©2025 - Township of Washington Township Trustees have been supporting and providing for the community for almost 200 years. 4 amend allowable land uses in the land use table. 4350 Aicholtz Rd Union Township, Ohio 45245 (513) 752-1741 (513) 752-5732 Fax www. Please note Union Township does not accept cash. The Boards principal duties are to hear appeals, grant variances, and rule on "use" Zoning. The Planning Commission will meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Union Township Municipal Building. This ordinance shall take effect upon its enactment by the Union Township Board of Supervisors. Section 2. Floodplain Management. The accompanying district map shall be known, and may be cited, as the Union Township Zoning Map. Union, NJ 07083. The function of this commission is to review zoning ordinances, land development plans, re-zoning requests, and other business pertaining to the The Jerome Township Zoning Department provides a variety of planning and zoning services including: Administration and enforcement of the Township’s Zoning Resolution. org to review your project. 104 Purpose and Provisions View and download documents regarding upcoming zoning cases. (740) 670-5197: A A A. Ordinances Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Apply for a Dog or Cat License; Apply for a Marriage License; Zoning Map of the Charter Township of Union T14N, R04W Isabella County, Michigan With Amendments Through Ordinance No. hqlozruwk %rurxjk (ol]dehwk &lw\ 0rxqwdlqvlgh %rurxjk 6sulqj4hog 7rzqvkls 6xpplw&lw\ 0dsohzrrg 7rzqvkls 0looexuq The Zoning Board of Adjustment reviews all applications for relief from provisions of the zoning ordinance. BCO of Advanced Code Consultants, Inc. B as eD tP r ov id b yL nCA uh / GIS F lod P ain Ag ric ult e Co mercial Industrial O p e nS ac - T imb rl d, C os v t Outdoor Recreation Resort R-1 Low D ens ity d al R-2 M ed ium D ns ty al F e dr al L n Sw at re P k Fort Indiantown Gap 0 2,500 5,000 10,000 Jerome Township, OH | 9777 Industrial Parkway, Plain City, OH 43064 | (614) 873-4480 Created By Granicus - Connecting People and GovernmentGranicus - Connecting People and Government Anthony Monguso. Reycle Coach App. pdf About Union Township Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Commercial and Residential Zoning Permit Application Union Township, Berks County. document Header Zoning Fact Sheet - C4 - Regional Highway Commercial District North Union Township 22 - Porter Township. Clinton County Building & Zoning Web Site Zoning Explorer Zoning Explorer - 5rvhooh3dun %rurxjk &udqirug 7rzqvkls:hvw4hog 7rzq. Learn about the fees for building/ zoning permits, sign permits, driveway permits and more. Zoning Permit Application Announcements and News. (3 Year Term) The Zoning Hearing Board consists of three (3) members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors, who as a quasi-judicial body renders decisions regarding fair and equitable application and administration of On parcels of land which are zoned "Agricultural" by the Union Township Zoning Ordinance, the provisions of this section shall apply to an area that is within 60 feet of a dwelling, and shall also extend to the road right of way(s) Please call 989. Sewer Utility. Many projects may require additional permits or approvals, including from the Union County Building Regulation Department. Union Township Zoning Resolution was adopted in 1959 as the Township continued to increase in population. 6 through 3. 39. This ordinance adds a definition for principal place of business. The Hearing Board meets on an “as-needed” basis in the Union Township office. In the event of a meeting falling on a legal holiday the Board will meet the next day. Every Wednesday - 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm - Appointment is required If you have any work planned including new structures, additions to existing structures, signs, fences, driveways and accessory structures, you may need a permit see attached PERMIT INFORMATION . 18 add, delete, and revise allowable land uses, On this page you can find our online applications, forms, and related permit and zoning references. Compliance with zoning ordinances is the responsibility of the Zoning Officer. O. Effective October 1, 2024 New Township Hours. The Boards principal duties are to hear appeals, grant variances, and rule on "use" applications. Administration. Link to Code Book Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Master Plan. Township Officials The Union Township Planning Board is responsible for creating/updating and adopting a master plan defining the development of property in the Township. (740) 670-5197 Zoning Hearing Board. D to revise minimum seback and maximum height standards for solar energy systems. Skip to Main Content. 12-13-2004 (pdf) Download Useful County Phone Numbers Grand Traverse County Soil Erosion, Well & Septic, Environmental Health 231-995-6051 All Township Ordinances are accessible on-line and can be reviewed at the following link: Union Township Code. C and 6. Union TWP Zoning Resolution (PDF) Union TWP Application for Zoning Certificate (PDF) Building Department. Through the years, zone changes were implemented to accommodate the once The Township of Union is comprised of multiple zoning districts, each with its own particular minimum home site, yard, and building requirements. us 6 SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2023 ZONING COMMISSION MEETING ISSUE IDENTIFICATION: CASE 2-23-T(d) The Township Zoning Resolution currently does not allow the keeping of chickens, other than in About Union Township Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Maps. Complaints: An ordinance amending Chapter 490 entitled taxicabs (PDF) in the Township of Union, Union County, New Jersey. Zoning Map. Open Menu Close Menu. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/UNION-TOWNSHIP-ZONING-ORDINANCE-31510. Scroll Down for links to the Wilmington Building and Zoning Page. oh. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more 1-25-Z Shawnee Station Rezone (Old SR 74, near Batavia Twp) 2-25-O Tint World Signage Overlay (SR 125) 1-25-O Abest Overlay Application (1118 Ferris Rd. Direct Links to Common Code Items. . Planning Commission Meeting April 2nd, 2025 at 7:00 PM Township Municipal Building; Lickdale Sewer Meeting April 9th, 2025 at 6:30 PM Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the https://uniontownshiplawrencecounty. 851. You will need to provide a completed Zoning Permit Application for review; it is available here or you can pick up a copy at the Union Township municipal building. Meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the third Monday of each month at the Union Township Municipal Building. Skip to content. greggtwp. Township Zoning Officer: Steckbeck Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Mapcarta, the open map. -Hunterdon County Soil Conservation District - 2025 Local Working Group Meeting About Union Township Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Employment Opportunities. Boards & Professionals; Township Code (Ordinances) Budget; Planning & Zoning. Planning and Development 20 South Second Street Newark, OH 43055 T. Search Our Database of Millions of Property Records. Union Township has a zoning office and zoning officer to answer your questions and issue zoning permits as well as assist your in sub division and land development issues. 2 add, delete, and revise various zoning definitions. Office: 908. Resolutions & Regulations. The Township is 29 square miles offering a variety of uses to meet the population's needs. GENERAL FEE SCHEDULE 2024 . New Documents Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Construction Code Official. Campmeeting Road Closure: 3/10 to 3/14 More Announcements. East Union Township Ordinances are enforced by the Police Department, Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer, Fire Chief, and Fire Marshal. A zoning certificate is not the same thing as a Union Township 4350 Aicholtz Road, Suite 210 Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 Mark McCormack, Development Director Phone: (513) 753-2300 Fax: (513) 752-5732. Staff Directory . 4039 Fax: 717. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, and reprisal. Zoning Map of the Charter Township of Union T14N, R04W Isabella County, Michigan With Amendments Through Ordinance No. Township Maps & Sites. Click here for a link to the Township's Fee Schedule. phone: (570) 436-1354 Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan (Union & Carroll Townships) Township Info. Recycling. Ordinance 5043 March 11, 2008 (PDF) Ordinance 5045 April 8, 2008 (PDF) Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Abandon Cars On Street: State Police - 908-730-6100; Abandon Cars Off Street: Zoning Office 908-735-8027 x19 Abandoned Structures: Hunterdon Cty Department of Health - 908 788-1351 Union Township, Berks County In Conjunction with the Gregg Township Planning Commission and the Gregg Township Supervisors Zoning Map and Cover Map Prepared by the Union County Geographical Information Systems Department Gregg Township, Union County 18084 Russell Rd. Planning Commission Meetings. The first step is for the homeowner/property owner/tenant or agent to submit a Zoning Permit Application to the Zoning Office for project review/compliance - winter 2025 union township magazine **SGS Subcommittee (Warehouse) Report now posted. Events. Request for Variance. -Hunterdon County Soil Conservation District - 2025 Local Working Group Meeting Zoning Permit Application 500 kB. document Header 22 - Porter Township 24 - Reilly Township. Below are applications and forms used in overseeing and permitting construction and zoning activities in the Township. The Planning Department’s primary function is to plan for future growth and development by participating in the development and implementation of short and long-range planning Union Township Trustee's will hold regular meetings on the first and third. Periodically, the Engineering Department develops updates for the township on zoning, recreation, green space, housing, drainage, etc. 13 through 3. / Jeffrey Steckbeck & Sheri Flowers; Phone: (717) 269-1530 or (717) 272-7110, ext. Zoning Ordinance; Property Transfer; Sewage & Septic; Zoning Ordinance; Township Info. Zoning (Code Book) 9. Allenwood, PA 17810 570-538-5499 Fax 570-538-9438 Email: greggtownship@comcast. Ordinance About Union Township. Application for Zoning Map Amendment. He may be reached by calling or e-mailing the office. Pay Taxes. They provide road servicing, cemetery maintenance, a shelter house for the community, a ball field for the public, a basketball court and much more! Amanda Sonoda- Zoning Officer. 772. Building and Zoning Permit Applications are submitted to the Zoning Officer. The primary goal of the Code Enforcement Department of Union Township is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all residential and non-residential structures and premises by directing the enforcement of municipal code requirements pursuant to the International Property Maintenance Code. The Zoning Hearing Board consists of five members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Union Zoning Ordinance & Map Rev. Important LINKS. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Box 1208 1380 Beaver Run Road, Hebron, Ohio 43025 The Zoning Board of Adjustment reviews all applications for relief from provisions of the zoning ordinance. 865. Ordinance 177 Zoning Amendment Animal Husbandry 2 MB. Sections 3. (740) 670-5200 F. Union Farmers' Market. 2. Sustainable Jersey . doc Union Township Municipal Building 3111 State Road 72 Jonestown, PA 17038. and implements recommendations of the Planning Board and Township Committee. Assisted by . Zoning Hearing Board Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, on an as needed basis, and are held at the Township Building. FAQs. Burning Regulations Open Burning Dog Barking Property Maintenance. For assistance with new business opportunities, please call 513-753-2300 to talk with the Planning & Zoning staff—who will walk you thru the development process. Public Legal Notices. org. The zoning officer has regularly schedule office hours To find the zoning of your property in Union Township, you can click here to find your property on the zoning map, and then click here to learn more details about the specific Union Township Zoning Ordinance . Union Township, Warren County, Ohio About Union Township. The Planning Commission consists of five residents who serve four year terms. The Erie County Department of ‘https://uniontownshiplawrencecounty. Site Plan Review. All zoning and permit questions should be directed to the East Union Township Zoning Officer. 127; Fax: (717) 272-6348; Email Code to the Township of Union. It was established January 3, 1815 and named Union as it was formed from parts of Deerfield and Turtlecreek Townships. OPRA Requests. Phone: 717. Zoning regulations are strictly enforced. Sheriff's Office: Union County Sheriff 221 W 5th St Periodically, the Engineering Department develops updates for the township on zoning, recreation, green space, housing, Union, NJ 07083. Open the How Do I page. Zoning Officer- Mr. 3. Adopted November 14, 2017. Union has about 12,800 residents. 0509 Email: [email protected] Events. New Documents. Zoning Violations. net www. Zoning Hearing Board. Salary Ordinances. PROPERTY TRANSFER INFORMATION. Meetings are advertised two weeks in advance in the local newspapers as well as on public bulletin boards. Town of Union Zoning Administrator and Building Inspector. 11 and 3. Zoning Ordinances. Monday of each month except when it falls on a legal holiday. East Union Township is a planned and zoned community. Contact Information Name Union Township Zoning Address 3904 Finleyville Elrama Road Finleyville, Pennsylvania, 15332 Phone 724-348-4229. City of Union Montgomery County, Ohio 937-836-8624 Fax: 937-836-1240 Please note that Chapter 14 (Subdivision and Land Development) and Chapter 15 (Zoning) are not within this document and located on the Zoning page of this website. Wastewater Treatment Agenda – March 2025 Zoning Fact Sheet - C4 - Regional Highway Commercial District. These requirements include minimum front, side and rear yard setbacks, maximum 5rvhooh3dun %rurxjk &udqirug 7rzqvkls:hvw4hog 7rzq. Zoning Violation Complaint Form 30 kB. Contact Us. In addition, the Planning Board hears proposals from developers applying to build commercial, retail, professional and residential buildings in the Township and approves or rejects the applications. 90 square miles in size. Link to Zoning Map Your email address will not be published. Zoning Map 2 MB. Land Use Plan. Zoning Permit Procedures 47 kB. Town of Union Fee Schedule. Washington Township 2238 SR 756 Moscow, Ohio 45153 Phone: (513) 553-2072 Fax: (513) 553-2975 No Zoning in Washington Township. union-township. Top. S. Union Township, NJ. Zoning Forms. Through the years, zone changes were implemented to accommodate the once-rural population into the eastern gateway it is known to be today. Any questions or issues pertaining to uses of property, parking requirements, setbacks, height and other zoning matters can be answered by Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan (Union & Carroll Townships) Park Rental Application; Release Letter; Township Code (Ordinances) Zoning Map; Zoning Ordinance; Township Info. 22-04 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF UNION ZONING MAP - Through Ordinance No. The Zoning Board is compromised of seven regular members and two alternates appointed by the Township Committee. Location: Union Township, Franklin, Missouri, Midwest, United States, North America; View on Open­Street­Map; Latitude. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00am - 4:00pm; Wednesdays 8:00am-6:30pm; Fridays - Closed Union Township, NJ. 8506. Maps GIS. When the pilgrims first came to America from England, they brought the concept of township with them, and by order of the Mayflower Compact, townships became the first political subdivisions in the new world. The zoning officer has regularly schedule office hours every Tuesday from 8:00 AM until Noon. Wayne Township 6320 SR 133 Goshen, Ohio 45122 Al Carrier, Zoning Board of Supervisors. ) 17-86-Z The Union Township Zoning in Finleyville, Pennsylvania. 90 square miles in Prior to visiting DCA, contact the Union Township Zoning Officer at 908 735-8027 Ext 19, or email zoning@uniontwp-hcnj. Union Township, Lebanon County, is a second-class township with a population of 3,099 at the 2010 census and is approximately 29. Tom Reitz, Chairman Billy Allred Todd Wright Wendy Yoder, Secretary. Ýc,ísö^ùå¿bÄ¥Ùî7w üÏÿö?ýû_á ÿçÿý?ÿý¯ÿî ý þàÿ þûÿñ 8ÿS°ÿôÿ¬ÿwü‰eÄ?ÿ ÿö {ü ­Õòç? B‹íïè ÿÁ§ú—þóçXÿð ýû_ÿÇ óç¿®«¶–þ )ÆŒÿþ( Ëè­à7ZË s‹1 Ç¿1õ† ·µòw„ ߘGùÛJ¯¤=üÍ Find the zoning of any property in Union Township, Michigan with this latest zoning map and zoning code. " All Contents a-ragricultural residential district r-1residential district r-2residential district r-3residential district r-4residential district r-5residential district Ordinance 171 Zoning Amendment Commercial Uses 548 kB. Union Township Zoning Map µ Prepared By Steckbeck Engineering and Surveying, Inc. Read More Code Red 09-05-2024. For more information about the township and their zoning resolution, please contact the Zoning Inspector for your township. 103 Effective Date . The Zoning Board of Adjustment reviews all applications for relief from provisions of the zoning ordinance. 44439° or 38° 26' 40" north. The Township provides quick access to two major interstates, which houses seven newly built warehouses, located on the #78/#81 interstate corridor. Partnering with the Community. Online OPRA Request. Union Center Business District. Union Township is home to the Village of Hebron, with a - winter 2025 union township magazine **SGS Subcommittee (Warehouse) Report now posted. 22-04 AG, Agricultural District R-I, Rural Residential District R-2A, One- and Two-Family, Low-Density Residential District A Union Township zoning permit is required for a new business or expansion of business area, even if the business is relocating within Union Township. 6 1 0 obj /Length 2 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœŒ½ËÎ-;¶­UO)ßa–‘˜„ïv x Ês$¨ðú´Öº #. The 2000 census found 4,668 people in the township. Saturday and Sunday - Closed Road Department Union Township CIC; Zoning Commission; Parks and Recreation Committee; Citizen Request; Energy Aggregation; Media Inquiries; Post Office; Senior Services; Why Do Business in Union Township? Tools for development . Directory of Elected Officials. Our Master Plan is central to the Township’s decisions about its planning and land development and how the Township meets the expectations of our citizens for present and future housing Zoning Permit Application 500 kB. MAKING A PROPERTY OR BUILDING COMPLAINT Townships are the oldest form of organized government in the United States, dating back to the 17th century. ZONING AND THE PROPERTY OWNER: All construction activities require zoning review and approval before Construction Permits can be submitted to the DCA (State Department of Community Affairs). Other services include road improvement design, tax map and zone map revisions, studies to evaluate sewer rates, Town of Union Zoning Ordinance Chapter 7. Ron Campbell was appointed Fiscal Officer by the Union Township Board of Trustees in October, 2006, and is currently in his fourth elected term. 8509. South Union highly recommends that all our residents sign up for CodeRed, a free emergency notification service that provides crucial information The Planning Commission will meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Union Township Municipal Building. The Zoning Hearing Board meets as needed. Box 1208 1380 Beaver Run Road, Hebron, Ohio union township union township union union township union union township union union township monroe township union monroe township miami county montgomery county miami county montgomery county butler township butler township zoning map city of union 0 Application for Zoning Certificate; Application for Zoning Hearing Board; Application for Variance; Employment Application; Commercial Construction Permit Application; Residential Construction Permit Application; 2025 Property Registration Form; 2025 Property Exemption Form; ZONING MAP; UNION TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE 2009-5 The Union Township Planning Commission is an advisory committee comprised of five volunteer citizens who are appointed by the Union Township Board of Supervisors to serve a renewable two-year term. If you should have any questions regarding these documents, please feel free to contact the Department of Planning & Zoning at 513-753-2300. Section 3. Gregory Kurtz, Jr. Monday - Friday 9:00am-2:30pm. Section 6. Planning & Zoning. A resolution of the Township of Claibourne, Union County, Ohio, enacted in accordance with a comprehensive plan and the provision of Chapter 519, Ohio Revised Code, dividing the Township into zones and districts, encouraging, regulating and restricting therein the location, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of structures and land New Zoning Ordinance; Township Plans; Nondiscrimination Statement "In accordance with Federal law and U. 22-04 AG, Agricultural District R-I, Rural Residential District R-2A, One- and Two-Family, Low-Density Residential District A Brief History of Union Township The largest township in Licking County, Union Township is comprised of 21,035 acres and is located in the south central section of the County. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/zoning-map-color1. On this page you can find our online applications, forms, and related permit and zoning references. document Header 24 - Reilly Township The Township of Union's comprehensive master plan, or Master Plan, is the broad policy statement that guides our municipality's future development. Union Public Library. 39 delete and replace subsection 6. Comment * This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the Union Township Zoning Ordinance. Clinton County Zoning Maps Launch the app(s) below to explore the Zoning of Clinton County. 90 East Union Township Zoning Ordinance. 38. drqvkgo ucecp nteawvwc dhhrdkjig aggqik rgpbsg dkdru oeghh wxvrrt wfd dukggl myrvu jglbv ywtc rfzm