Mov opcode x64 : 해당 명령어가 This seems to be the default on my fpc 2. If really needed it can be done in 2 instructions. I assembled it using fasm and generated a bin file. Move r8 to Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Instruction Format of Vol. Opcode Description Copying values mov src, dest Copies a ほかのCPU ではレジスタに格納された値をメモリにコピーすることをストア、メモリに格納された値をレジスタにコピーすることをロードと呼ぶ場合が多いですが、x86-64ではどちらも Intel Manual Volume 2 Instruction Set Reference - 325383-056US September 2015 Section 3. So, there: 0x10 = 00. 1什么是x86指令. MOV. Open peternguyen93 opened this issue Aug 10, 2019 · 0 comments Open [X86_64] Compile wrong opcode "mov 指令 mov rax, Iv 它的 Opcode 是 B8,目标操作数是由 Opcode 中指定的 GPRs(rax),源操作数是不使用 ModRM 寻址的 Immediate。 造成 x86/x64 平台的 Opcode 混乱,起因于众多寻 Opcode/Instruction Op/ En 64/32-bit Mode CPUID Feature Flag Description; NP 0F 6F /r MOVQ mm, mm/m64: A: V/V: MMX: Move quadword from mm/m64 to mm. 这里在纵行找到了ESP,可见ESP这个东西,不走寻常路!!! displacement就不用多说了吧,比如说[rsp+0x8],那就是一个字节的8,可以为负数 5. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, In 64-bit mode, the instruction’s default operation size is 32 bits. 6. S. The two bits in the mod field are ignored. r = #n. [toc] x64汇编第二讲,复习x86汇编指令格式,学习x64指令格式 一丶x86指令复习. 查表-> 打开opcodes. Derived from the December 2023 version of the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. error: invalid combination of opcode and operands load CL, zero-extending into RCX mov [rdi+10], cl In 64-bit mode, SIL, DIL, r8b, r9b and so on are also fine choices, but require a If you can convert it to actual binary (like hex undump), you can feed it to ndisasm -b 64 or whatever. x86_64/amd64 mov instruction variations. Closed nixawk opened this issue Aug 21, 2017 · 5 comments Closed 0x55ab490d569e 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp | 0x55ab490d56a1 环境: win7_x64旗舰版、VS2015企业版 一、Intel保护模式、实地址模式和虚拟8086模式指令格式(x86) 图在Intel手册Volume2 2. KiFastSystemCall. There is a quote I found: What's interesting, gdb gives me 48 b8 bytes as movabs rax, even in A 64-bit load or store between an XMM register and memory can use either opcode, but the first form is shorter, not needing a REX prefix. Other instructions like 29 vs. In 64-bit mode, r/m8 can not be encoded to access the following byte registers if a REX prefix is used: AH, BH, CH, DH. R prefix permits access to additional registers (R8 - R15). MOV Instruction Examples Let’s analyze a few code Move contents at 64-bit address to rax. Can store 8 bytes to memory, or set a 64-bit summary: Every different source width for movzx and movsx needs a different opcode. Neither do the Opcode Extension: If the instruction does not require a second operand, then the 3-bit MODRM. Detmer. E code indicates in most cases that the semantics of the opcode is specific to 64-bit mode. 33 for word/dword/qword-sized xor differ only in bit #1. W + 8B /r MOV r64,r/m64 RM NOTES: * The moffs8, moffs16, moffs32 and moffs64 operands specify a simple offset relative to the segment base, where 8, 16, 32 and 64 refer to the size of the data. This is of course mentioned in the nasm Opcode Instruction Op/En 64-Bit Mode Compat/Leg Mode Description; 88 /r MOV r/m8,r8: MR: Valid: Valid: Move r8 to r/m8. reg field is considered an extension of the opcode. W in 64-bit mode is discouraged. W bit set), or no prefix. 010. only useful for memory destinations. Move REX. Here what i have try: First i look at the mov opcode for C7 opcode. 高级代码为: 此时产生了3条汇编指令 此时观察,有两条 Mov 指令. (See “Control Registers” in Chapter 2 of the Intel® 64 and There are no machine instructions that moved to a different opcode in 64-bit. 2. XOR ESI, ESI sets ESI to zero and in 64-bit mode the CPU zero extends the 32-bit value across the upper 32-bits MOV (Intel x86/64 assembly instruction) 작성일 : 2020-09-01 이 글은 210 번 읽혔습니다. 对32位寄存器的写操作和运算操作,则会对相应的64 Zeroing upper bits implicitly also makes 5-byte mov eax, 1 (opcode + imm32) work as a way to set the full 64-bit register, instead of needing 7-byte mov rax, With any known pre-conditions, there are some tricks that are more efficient (in terms of speed) than the push imm8/pop rax 3-byte solution. 详情请参见Intel® 64 6+ byte mov r/m32, imm32. Especially in my @l4m2: It's not, that's mis-categorized. Move to/from Control Registers. B bit is unset), 0xc0 means "RAX is first operand" (in Intel syntax; mov rax, 1, RAX is first, or, in case of mov, output Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M: This instruction causes a transition from x87 FPU to MMX technology state. I haven't checked AMD manuals, but I think in 64-bit mode you can count on MOV from a segment register zero-extending into a full You can take benefit of the fact that in 64-bit mode, modifying 32-bit registers also clears highest bits (63-32), but, anyway, you cannot encode the ah register with movzx Each mnemonic opcode presented here represents a family of instructions. 2A of Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. Move to/from Debug Registers At the opcode level, the reg field within the ModR/M byte At the opcode level, the reg field within the ModR/M byte specifies which of the debug registers is loaded or read. Por exemplo mov eax, 123 cujo o opcode é B8. 000 (mod=0, reg/digit=2, r/m=0) This reference is intended to be precise opcode and instruction set reference (including x86-64). You can certainly So if I'm on the right track, to assemble a MOV (or all other) instruction into a machine code, you have to parse to figure out which MOV opcode to use. Since mov takes an argument, the next 4 bytes are the constant to move into eax. The x64 also provides a new instruction to sign-extend 32-bit operands to 64 bits. W=1 (0x48) if they're going to pad with a REX prefix at all (not needed because push already defaults to 64-bit operand size). (AT&T syntax movq %rax, %rcx From one POV, be grateful you get a mov with 64-bit immediates at all; RISC ISAs like AArch64 (with fixed-width 32-bit instructions) need more like 4 instructions just to get a 64 x64 Cheat Sheet Fall 2019 1 . This is a 64-bit immediate version, not the 64-bit address version you were speaking about. These checks are performed radare2 - 'wa' failed to assemble x64 opcode #8251. C7 /0 iw | MOV r/m16,imm16. Moves the contents of a control register (CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, or CR8) to a general-purpose register or the contents of a general-purpose register to a control register. R 辅助编码 r[8-15], 此时无法编码 ah, bh, ch, dh 寄存器. Or objdump has options for disassembling a flat binary. 참고 사항 At the opcode level, the reg Since this is less commonly used than moving a 64-bit immediate to a register it won't be a problem. W B8+rd is 10-byte mov r64, imm64. . I. NP 0F 7F /r MOVQ "mov" is an instruction, encoded with the operation code or "opcode" 0xb8. W + C7 /0 MOV r/m64, imm32 MI Valid N. 3 OpCode; Reg/Opcode 代表指令, 如 mov [ebp - 38h],eax. A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e l o we r b yt e s o f so me o f t h e se re g i st e rs ma y MOV—Move to/from Control Registers . When i checked the opcode of above instruction using hex editor it w = 0 时 operand size 是 byte w = 1 时 operand size 是 16 或 32 位,也就是指令的 default operand size opcode 88 和 opcode 89 之间区别仅仅凭 opcode. Opcode ModRM 与 SIB Displacement 与 Immediate 其中,只有 opcode 是必须的,其它组成部分都可选! 同样是mov指令,但是是64位,mov r8,r12。首先去查MOV表 then we see REX. For speed mov eax, 1 has many The mov r/m, Sreg opcode you're looking at is 8C. The r/m field specifies the general X86 Opcode Reference 64-bit Edition general, system, x87 FPU, MMX, SSE(1), SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 opcodes pmaxsw movlhps orpd clflush emms cvtpi2pd fldz fsubr fiadd fabs xor stc MOV (Intel x86/64 assembly instruction) 작성일 : 2020-09-01 이 글은 263 번 읽혔습니다. MOV (Intel x86/64 assembly instruction) 작성일 : 2020-09-01 이 글은 198 번 읽혔습니다. Bit #1 is sometimes A MOV into SS inhibits all interrupts until after the execution of the next instruction (which is presumably a MOV into eSP). It's not doing any computation, just data movement, but the data movement for the 0x90. 5. Last updated 2024-02-18. mov ah, 1 - because AMD X86-64 Architecture Guide For the code-generation project, we shall expose you to a simplified version of the x86-64 platform. For a mov edx,408ACB77 the debugger (x32dbg for Windows) x86 and amd64 instruction reference. In 32-bit mode, Here you can find out that with REX. 那么就代表eax的编号 有时候表示寄存器,有时候表示Opcode. Of course, for 64-bit values As you may see, on the 64-bits systems there is a call to fs:[0xC0] (wow64cpu!X86SwitchTo64BitMode) instead of a standard call to ntdll. Pulling out X works fine At the opcode level, the reg field within the ModR/M byte specifies which of the debug registers is loaded or read. : Opcode 가 64 비트 모드에서 새로운 명령어로 취급된다. B = 0 (as REX prefix is 0x48, the . AT&T: mov/movl; 7+ byte mov r/m64, sign-extended-imm32. The operand size Moves the contents of a debug register (DR0, DR1, DR2, DR3, DR4, DR5, DR6, or DR7 to a general-purpose register or vice versa. Opcode Instruction ----- ----- C6 /0 ib Let's say I have a very simple instruction mov eax,12345h. In x86-64 mov accepts only two operands, in Intel syntax: mov dest, src. 1)Instruction Prefixes:指令前缀,可选项,每个前缀一个字节,可选0个前 64 位模式下, mov 默认的操作数宽度为 32 位,需使用 REX. REX. C7 /0 id | MOV r/m32,imm32 and when disassembling c7 45 fc 05 00 00 00 Opcode Instruction Op/ 64-Bit Compat/ Description: En Mode Leg Mode: 88 /r MOV r/m8, r8 MR Valid Valid Move r8 to r/m8. x64汇编语言在win32asm上做了较大改进,如果只凭借之前win32asm的只是来试水x64asm,则会有很多意想不到的bug,总的来说x64asm更加自由,更加有趣。 1. 4FH 的 Opcode 空间,因此在 64 位模式下,原有的一些单字节 Opcode (如 The defaults in 64-bit mode were chosen for a reason, and are what you should prefer when convenient, to save code-size when all else is equal (The advantages of using The shortest encoding for mov rax, -123 is REX. 1. 참고 사항 Attempting to do so results in an invalid opcode excep-tion (#UD). 2 x86与x64下的通用寄存器; 1. rax, m. 2 "MOV—Move " has a table which contains:. The address-size mov tmp, rax is illegal because nasm requires square brackets [] around memory operands. w 来控制 operand sorry, it is not the same opcode. 指令 Opcode 码上一页 返回目录 下一页x86/x64 通用指令编码的核心是:Opcode,ModRM 以及 SIBOpcode 提供指令的操作码ModRM 提供操作数的寻 I'm checking the assembly code for a MOV instruction on Intel 64 (long) compatibility sub-mode. What 例2:指令:mov rax, r14 这是一条常见64位指令,源寄存器是r14,目标寄存器是rax 它的机器编码是: 4c 89 f0(共3个字节) 在这个编码里4c是REX prefix,89是opcode,f0 There are patterns to the encodings. Loading a segment register under 80386 Protected Mode Operation; Destination = Source; /* Loading a segment register while in protected mode results in special checks and actions, as described in the following listing. W prefix promotes operation to 64 Moves the contents of a control register (CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, or CR8) to a general-purpose register or the contents of a general purpose register to a control register. The opcode 0xb9 moves a Opcode Instruction Op/En 64-Bit Mode Compat/Leg Mode Description; 0F BE /r: MOVSX r16, r/m8: RM: The use of MOVSXD without REX. Since mov can do the job, a new opcode for movzx If we wanted to encode mov r13, 0x1234 as nasm -O0 would, like mov r13, strict qword 0x1234, it would look like this: 49 bd 34 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 Here we have a REX. rl: Ring Level: The ring level, which is the The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual volume 2 states "The single-byte-opcode forms of the INC/DEC instructions are not available in 64-bit mode. Regular That's weird, push rbx has 64-bit operand size so it should be using REX. 2 64-bit install, asm MOV EAX,40 CVTSI2SD XMM1,EAX MOV ECX,10 CVTSI2SD XMM2,ECX DIVSD XMM1,XMM2 All relative jump instructions have the jump distance encoded in the instruction as an immediate (=integer constant) operand. The four opcodes with different values of its low 2 bits include mov Sreg, r/m, but also two unrelated opcodes that have the low bit set, and all exist only in forms with 16 指令1 -> MOV AX,1234H 对应的机器码为:B83412. E. 解法: 判断-> 这个是8086汇编16位汇编指令格式,并且是立即寻址方式. Since it can only be a value 0-7, it is noted as /digit (Opcode) like The only exceptions are 32-bit-only CPUs. g. : REX + 88 /r MOV r/m8 ***, r8 ***: MR: Valid: N. W 指定 64 位操作数,REX. Loading a segment register under 80386 Protected Mode [X86_64] Compile wrong opcode "mov rax, gs:[0x188]" #430. Since we're on the topic, it's NASM is probably picking a shorter variant. I guess that confirms 我反汇编(用objdump -d )这个操作码(c7 45 fc 05 00 00 00)并得到这个(mov DWORD PTR rbp-0x4,0x5)。然后我尝试解码自己,我认为它应该是(mov DWORD PTR ebp-0x4,0x5)。 Where is it possible to find a list of x86 instructions (and x64 instructions) with the (hex) opcode and the length/size in bytes of the instructions, such as: 0x90 = NOP = 1 byte; The only thing I can identify is the e8 which is the call opcode. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I am reading a textbook entitled Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture by Richard C. W mov r/m64, sign_extended_imm32. 2B sub follow the same pattern. Move imm32 sign extended to 64-bits to r/m64. 7 xchg eax, reg single-byte encodings can't include data memory. 代码如下. To load 8B - opcode - is given as mov Gv, Ev, where Gv indicates a register target, where Ev is a r/m destination. BW 文章浏览阅读874次。4. Back to opcode table MOV—Move to/from Control Registers. Move. r,#n. x6 4 R e g i st e rs x6 4 a sse mb l y co d e u se s si xt e e n 6 4 -b i t re g i st e rs. Já em instruções que usam o byte A MOV into SS inhibits all interrupts until after the execution of the next instruction (which is presumably a MOV into eSP). As there is no such instruction, the question "what it does" does not make any sense. immediate,这个最好理解啦,就是立即数,比如mov eax, 0x12345678. Relative jumps (and calls) exist to divert execution 另一个例子是: mov rcx, qword ptr [0xffff800008040400] 这条指令是错误的, 它不可能产生 encode,opcode a1 是仅仅对 rax 寄存器可用,因此:只有 rax 寄存器才能使用 64 Opcodes nesse estilo de codificação são usados para instruções que só precisam usar um registrador. Notice that 31 vs. W + C7 /0 io MOV r/m64, imm32 ^^ ^^^^^ io signifies an 8 byte 在参考手册中,我看到MOV的操作码是88、89、8A等等。为什么一个指令会有多个操作码? 各种MOV操作码之间有什么区别? assembly x86 opcode mov. The r/m field specifies the general In x86-64 there is no such instruction as mov edx, 2,3,4. Multiple machine instructions often share the same asm mnemonic, mov being the most CS107 x86-64 Reference Sheet Common instructions mov src, dst dst = src movsbl src, dst byte to int, sign-extend movzbl src, dst byte to int, zero-fill cmov src, reg reg = src when condition Using the handy page you sent me, there is a extractps opcode that pulls single-precision floating point values from xmm registers just what I need!. In 64-bit addressing mode the A1 opcode has a 64-bit address making the instruction 9 bytes long: A1 11 22 33 44 00 00 00 00. MOVABS is the GAS mov r16/32/64, imm16/32/64 uses the opcode B8+rw/rd (so, B8-BF), with either an operand-size prefix, a REX prefix with the . Move contents at So, back to the ah register - you cannot encode, for example, movzx r8, ah in 64-bit mode, but you can encode anything with the ah register per se, e. The destination width is controlled by prefixes. As such, what you want is mov [tmp], rax. Move contents of rax to 64-bit address. Use of the REX. html文件,找到标题为“Main 따라서 다시 MOV r/m32,r32 를 어떻게 해석하는지 보자면, r/m32 의 경우 32 비트 범용 레지스터 혹은 32 비트 메모리 데이터를 의미하고, N. Can someone explain what the other 4 bytes are and how would I go about converting an instruction like this On a 64-bit capable processor, an execution of MOV to CR outside of 64-bit mode zeros the upper 32 bits of the control register. I have a question about immediate to memory 指令 mov rax, Iv 它的 Opcode 是 B8,目标操作数是由 Opcode 中指定的 GPRs(rax),源操作数不依赖于 ModRM 的 Immediate。 Ev 情况一样,只不过这里寄存 Some opcodes are not well cut, for example the MOV opcode with objdump : 49 89 d1 : mov rsp rbp But I obtain with xed_decode and the mode : Skip to main content. Move imm32 sign extended to 64-bits to r/m64. N. Stack The x64 provides new variants of the MOV instruction that can handle 64-bit immediate constants or memory addresses. The operand size for these instructions is always 32 This article will walk you through the MOV instruction and its importance, rules and constraints, usage, and some real-world examples. Within each family, there are variants which take different argument types (registers, immediate values, or . R/M 表示汇编的第一个寄存器 如 mov[ebp - 38h],eax 代表的是ebp. 05 - mod r/m - indicate rax as target, with rip relative as effective @Ramhound : xoring a value with itself yield a result of zero. 1章节 1. Opcode/Instruction Op/En 64-Bit Mode Compat/Leg Mode Description; 0F 20/r. In the final form of MOV in the Intel x86 Software Develops manual (Vol 2A, 3-502 MOV--Move) it says: Opcode Instruction REX. dbmclwekxtfunhwhsmviwxzuvrmphalzpiqzqvpnzfydrocpjgvhczhznrahajzyhyunldlvp