Marin aa zoom meetings Format - Beginner, Book Study, Chip and Discussion meeting. Wednesday Night . El Sobrante: 12:00 San Francisco/Marin; Santa Clara/San Jose; Tri-Valley ( Livermore/Dublin They may simply prefer not to list Zoom details. World Services, Inc. We currently host 7 open meetings nightly and reset every hour from 7pm-2am PT. Name Zip: 94965. Youtube- Fitness,mindset and purpose3477. Types of AA Meetings. service entities with more than 100,000 weekly meetings. We Drug Problem? Call Marin County Narcotics Anonymous 877-612-STEP (7837) This is the official web site for Marin County Narcotics Anonymous, a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. For today's meeting , we will be discussing [topic, if y ou have one] [After reading] The floor is now open for discussion. How does the search field work? 🔍 When you type into the search field, our meeting finder looks for matches to any of the following: Meeting name Meeting note Location name Location address (including city and zip) Location Links were last updated in 2022, as MOST of these COVID time online meetings have returned to in-person and have gone hybrid. Open to everybody. In addition to the sites dedicated to listing online meetings, many (perhaps most) of the regional A. Meeting ID: 823 1030 0285 7 PM Atheist and Agnostic. Datetime Notes; 6 Nights: Friday AA Meeting: AA Discussion Meeting, AA Literature Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access: Friday 6:30:00 PM: AA Discussion Meeting, AA Literature You will need to resend the information via a Zoom Meeting Invite to reach us: 24/7 Teleservice, [email protected] and HelpChat (our online chat tool), all staffed by volunteer members of AA. Information about how to join a Zoom meeting can be found here. com. Get the MEETING GUIDE APP Free for your Andriod or iPhone. Secretary Script for Zoom Video Meetings h ttp s :/ / i s . 23. View Detail. Central Office & Bookstore 1821 Sacramento Street San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco-Marin Central Office Meetings List: https: This group of secular AA meetings have been held in San Francisco since at least the 1990s, according to personal accounts of long-time members, and possibly since the 1960s. Anyone can attend “open meetings" , including alcoholics, friends, family, medical professionals, or anyone wishing to learn more about AA. Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM For security reasons, you will need to be logged in to your own Zoom account in order to join our meetings (unless you are dialing in). g d / A A Z o o m Me e ti n g S c r i p t so that we c a n p ay the r e n t . 31. Click here to join a meeting now! Dial in from a phone: +1 646 558 8656 (New York) or. How to Maintain Anonymity in an Online Zoom Meeting When you join a Zoom meeting, you will see a screen "Join a Meeting. Meeting @ 4 PM Games and Fellowship host by Marin Fellowship Committee (MFC) @ 5:30 PM. Online Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Central Office & Bookstore 1821 Sacramento Street San Francisco, CA 94109 Hotline: (415) 674 1821 Setting Up a Zoom Meeting. Meeting Notes. Région 87; Région 88; Région 89; Région 90; Nous publions présentement 1484 réunions, réparties dans 792 groupes, 698 emplacements et 347 municipalités. AT=Alateen, ages 13 to 19 yrs. These AA Meetings in Marin City, California will help them build a support system to help achieve sobriety. 649 Meadowsweet Dr, Corte Madera, CA 94925. It uses your GPS to show meetings near where you are right now WORLD WIDE! Zoom link HERE Meeting ID: 812 6970 8070 The Intergroup Technology Committee identifies, researches, recommends, and implements ways to use technology in A. 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Anyone in-between meeting looking for group of like minded people. The County of Marin Department of Health & Human Services maintains this Resource Guide to enhance public access to information about human service resources available to Marin County residents. Email How to move an A. To check or change your local time zone, look underneath the search and filter options. Marin Alano Club. Two 90-minute meetings: Held at 12:00 AM and 1:30 AM. What is an AA Meeting? A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is a place to share experiences and success stories with other alcoholics. AA Marina . New York Intergroup Remote Meetings. 12 Step meetings per week that have a seat for you! That's 2050 ways to get connected! 😃💪 ️ AA Meeting: Marin City. "Closed meetings" are for people who identify as an alcoholic or who have a desire to stop drinking. 626. Vince DiMaggio Park . Dial-in by Phone: Call (669) 900-6833. [optional for video meetings] 7 . Get information about AA meeting locations in Point Reyes Station to find the most appropriate AA resources A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. org; Retour vers les sites régionaux. 6:30PM to 7:30PM. Vince Dimaggio Park 3200 Del Monte Blvd Marina Temporarily Inactive meetings may be active. All information is provided in good faith, and we rely on the groups to inform us of the latest information. Find out how to mute, unmute, turn on and off video, chat, and share in Zoom meetings. In fact, some SF/Marin groups, particularly women's meetings, are experiencing sexually predatory and violent behavior from meeting participants. Please read the Marine Park : District 406 : 2:30 PM Brooklyn Intergroup of AA 1283 Prospect Ave Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 851-3039 . Région 89. Tue 7am - 2pm. Can't Stop Drinking. So, for instance, 2020 came around, shelter-in-place shut down my usual local meetings, and I'm wondering what 3rd Tuesday Only - 6:00PM MAC Board Meeting (on Zoom) Wednesday. When you click the Raise Hand icon, a hand icon will appear next to your name that will notify the host your hand is raised. Need a meeting right now? Visit aahomegroup. A. Meeting schedules for San Francisco and Marin are available in a number of formats. You can find Australian Online Meetings here >> Time 00:00 Please note Open meeting of AA, running 24/7 with a new meeting starting every hour. 6pm Sunday Zoom AA Share Meeting. Call 1. Been clean 14 years. C=Closed Meeting. AA=Alcoholics Anonymous. All Day. SOUTH SAN DIEGO: 5:30 PM Monday: EAST COUNTY HAPPY HOUR: Barnyard A. Région 87. 19:00 – 20:00 North Norfolk Speaker Share Zoom only Meeting ID: 3789985001 Password: 10041939. SF/Marin) How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event; Search; Near Location; Newcomers Zoom Meeting Daily: Online. Mon We are providing a schedule, which now includes in-person meetings, for informational purposes only. NOTE: San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office. 319 AA Group Welcome to the AA Meeting that runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! 2025 International Convention ***Join 24/7 AA Meeting Now - Click Here*** Currently we have enabled the waiting room for the safety of our members. Street parking is available. It can help you find A. 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm. NOTICE: We have enabled the Zoom "waiting room" feature for the Events and AA meetings are posted on the website. 312. A. Hours. Kentfield, CA 94904. 750 Mendocino Ave #10: Santa Rosa: Location Get help with drinking, resentments, anger, loneliness, fellowship, spirituality, relationships at over 1000 weekly meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in Los Angeles. org. Please use this website to access the meetings rather than keeping the meeting link. NATIONWIDE AA ONLINE MEETING RESOURCES: Lionrock Recovery In the Rooms. The meeting times are based on local device time. websites also list online meetings. Meeting Locations, Times & Events. 23 Mar. Office: Online Meetings Alcoholics Anonymous London Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to To join the meeting: You will need a computer, tablet or smartphone. This is a Zoom meeting that has been running since the pandemic started. Friday Zoom AA Big Book Meeting. Online Meeting Join with Zoom . com; Office Hours. us/j/3331643333?pwd=SmxmQ2lTTkZLZUFNZEEyRkVzY2JyQT09 Retour vers aa-quebec. Use the filter options to find upcoming meetings on specific days or types such as “Tuesday” "Big Book", "Speaker", or "Proof of Attendance". Attendees will learn more about how AA works and what the 12 step Meetings keep our focus on recovery and on the importance of maintaining abstinence. ; Passcodes are highly recommended as a first line of Zoom only Meeting ID: 769396783. International Open AA 24/7 AA meeting. Meeting Schedules. Location & Parking. Zoom link HERE Meeting ID: 812 6970 8070 The Intergroup Technology St Clair Shores, MI : Online Only : Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Literature, Online Meeting, Young People Today's AA Meetings . Setting Default Security Settings; Anonymity Settings (AA San Francisco & Marin County); Setting Up an Alternate Host; Passcodes (Formerly passwords). 1360 Lincoln Avenue, San Rafael, CA, 94901, United States. Search Zoom. OCEAN BEACH: 5:30 PM Monday: CHEERS: Club: 3295 Market St Zoom. 90min speaker meeting every Saturday at 6:30p College of Marin - Student Services Cafeteria 830 College Ave. Find out how to sign up for a free or paid account, set up meeting AA Meetings Directory is a dedicated platform offering essential resources and community support for individuals confronting alcohol addiction. San Francisco and Marin Intergroup supports Groups by providing resources that allow meetings to function in a fast changing world. ; Click on the green ‘Join Zoom Meeting’ button shown . The speaker shares the first half, followed by open discussion. For general inquiries, announcements, or meeting changes Email: info@bigaa. AFG=Al-Anon Family Groups. ` ` Le site provincial des Alcooliques anonymes. Please DO NOT go through or disturb the AA meeting in the back room AA Anonymous Central Office San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley, California. 19:30– 20:30 Lowestoft AA Women’s Meeting “Cos We’re Worth It” Zoom only Meeting 795 4452 5561 If you chair or attend a Zoom online meeting, this page may be helpful: ZOOM Meetings Protecting Anonymity & Default Settings. Especially early in recovery, meetings give us a sober place to go rather than engage in addictive behavior. Most of the zoom meetings I have attended do provide proof of attendance and will give instructions on how to obtain at the beginning of the meeting. This is a one hour Speaker/Discussion AA meeting in Marina, CA near Monterey. Thur–Living Sober Fri–12&12 Sat–Joe and Charlie. 30 pm GMT Monday Cornerstone Christian Recovery Meeting. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H. services@aasfmarin. Passcodes come from the group who set up the meeting – WAIA does not have access to a passcode if none has been provided. AA hotline (208) 741-5483. Monday, March 24, 2025. Join us at our monthly District Meeting, every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm on Zoom! Next District Meeting: Tuesday, December 10, 2024. While this, too can happen in physical meeting rooms, the anonymity of the internet provides a shield for the predators. Intergroup News. webmaster@gmail. In-Person Beyond The Big Book Email: zoom@marinapacificafellowship. Meeting schedule (All Times Eastern) Beginners Meetings: Mondays 9:30pm Wednesdays 1:30pm, Saturdays 3:00pm Weekdays: 8:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm, 9:30pm Discover more information about Newton Zoom Group. Mon 7am - 2pm. CLA= A. Get information about AA meeting locations in Newton to find the most appropriate AA resources near you. If you think you Additional Meeting Information Meeting Schedule - All times are US Eastern 19 one-hour meetings: Held hourly from 5:00 AM to 12:00 AM, starting at the top of each hour. membership. Available 24/7/365. meetings in the U. Now that online meetings are accessible, we want to pass Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962 . They may simply prefer not to list Zoom details. , specifically for the purpose of assisting online A. Outside the Michael Landon building. BB=Big Book or 12/12 Study. 12 Step meetings per week that have a seat for you! Discover more information about San Francisco/Marin Newcomers on Zoom. 4154568479 marinalanoclub. All the meetings on the Virtual NA meetings lists are sorted by language and day of the week. Tue 25 March 25 @ 5: Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month. 12:00PM - 1:00PM zoom@marinapacificafellowship. Meeting Finder. Find a Meeting PASADENA SUNRISE AA ONLINE-- Pasadena: Virtual: asdfasdf14646: 5: Friday: 06:15:00: 6:15AM: DAY BREAK Today's AA Meetings . 19. All meetings listed on this website are held in English language; All meeting times are displayed in the local meeting (host) time; CER endeavours to keep our list up to date. Click on Meeting names to find Meeting Info, IDs & Passcodes. D. Furthermore, AA offers special interest San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office. S. Group usually take a voluntary collection during the meeting to cover the meeting expenses and members contribute as they are able to. Aidan's Episcopal Church Thursday 7:30 Malibu B Bring Your Own Big Book AA Group Big Book 8:30pm pacific Zoom ID: 992 4633 9915 Password: queeraa *Verified on September 3rd, 2024 THURSDAY All Recovery AA Meeting 9am eastern Zoom ID: 837 124 68657 Password: 505505 *Verified on March 13, 2025 Pride in Recovery AA Meeting 7pm eastern Zoom ID: 817 461 66009 Passcode: 131328 *Verified on March 13 Download the AA app and use the online meeting finder. Looking for speaker jams or other special activities? Click on the Formats tab and scroll down and select The Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous, or OIAA, is an International service organization established in accordance with the Ninth Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous A. Monday-Friday 7am-8am Good Morning Malibu . In-Person & Virtual Hybrid Business Meeting Marin General Service District 10 San Rafael First United Methodist Church, 9 Ross Valley Drive NO PARKING ON ROSS VALLEY DRIVE Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 829 6615 8303 Dial [] JOIN US 7 DAYS A WEEK 9pm UK All Year Mar 2 – Mar 29: 5pm ET, 2pm PT Zoom ID 333 164 3333 Password 333 https://zoom. Monday *7:30 pm Parents Meeting Hybrid Meeting In-Person – Willow Room Zoom Meeting ID# 245 556 8720, Password 1017; Tuesday *9:30 am Simply Marvelous Al-Anon Hybrid Meeting In-Person – Willow Room Zoom Meeting ID# 871 307 705, Password 602451; Thursday Join a Zoom Meeting directly from your web browser using a meeting code or link. LA JOLLA: 5:30 PM Monday: 5:30 MEDITATION: Church: 2083 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Sending calls to zoom voicemail if external number doesn't answer? in Zoom Phone System 2025-01-17; Registration Form Fields to Show in Email Notifications (More than just name and email) in Zoom Events and Webinars 2025-01-17; Users zoom link sends them to different session in Zoom Meetings 2025-01-17; Old Nokea Phones in Zoom Meetings 2025-01-17 There is a 24/7 Zoom meeting that is always open: 24/7 Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 874 8843 9072) password 267482. 546 Hartnell Street, Suite E Monterey, CA 93940 Phone: (831) 373-3713 Phones are answered 24 hours Maui AA Zoom Meetings (Meetings are open early, so join in beforehand for a little fellowshipping) Day Time (HST) Meeting Zoom Link Everyday 8 AM & 8 PM Hawaii Ohana (All Hawaii) Open Using chat during a Zoom meeting is the same as having a side conversation with someone in a Saturday 7AM - AA. Meets the 1st Monday of each month. In lieu of physical meetings, our membership has quickly established remote (Phone / Online) meetings. Central Office & Bookstore 1821 Sacramento Street San Love theys aa groups. 24 HOUR HELPLINE (831) 373-3713 The speaker shares for the first half of the meeting and then the meeting is opened for discussion. . Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers. Just select the link below for the first meeting on the list. 6799 and have the Meeting ID# and Password available to enter the meeting. locally for San Francisco and Marin. Maui AA Zoom Meetings (Meetings are open early, so join in beforehand for a little fellowshipping) Day Time (HST) Meeting Zoom Link Everyday 8 AM & 8 PM Hawaii Ohana (All Hawaii) Open Using chat during a Zoom meeting is the same as having a side conversation with someone in a If you have questions about our meeting finder unanswered here, please email us your questions at group. Zoom Directory of Online 12-Step Meetings from the San Francisco + Bay Area Fellowships: AA, NA, CMA, Al-Anon, and CA. It uses your GPS to show meetings near where you are right now WORLD WIDE! There are no dues or fees for A. IN PERSON MEETINGS. org * EMAIL IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO HOST A MEETING * click here for: Helpful Links & The public, aggregated meeting information in the guide below is as up-to-date as can be – There are currently 2050 A. Whether you’re meeting modem to modem or face to face, Central Office can provide you with the resources you need for recovery. GA=Gamblers Anonymous. Région 88. 4:00PM - 5:00PM . 7:00AM - 8:00AM Attitude Adjustment Meeting Multiple Dates Sunday 4PM - AA. Discussion: AA discussion meetings in California help members share their thoughts and feelings on a specific topic related to alcoholism and recovery. and internationally. org for online 24/7 meetings. Tuesday . Meeting ID: 846 1503 1166 Noon Meditation. org meetings are hosted using Zoom. One two myRecovery. Many meetings are LGBTQ and Everyone is Learn how to use Zoom to host or join online A. Central Office & Join with Zoom . Marin Lutheran Church. aa meeting 24 Mar. Our aaHomeGroup. Our online schedule can be searched by location and Meetings of AA hosted on Zoom: You may use the Zoom app on your mobile device or desktop to join the meeting and be interactive. AA is self supporting by our own contributions, and the only requirement for membership at AA meetings is a desire to stop drinking. Find Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in San Francisco and Marin. 9:30 AM AA Meeting. 9:30AM - 11:00AM . District 22 AA 2025. Support for this site has ended 12. Click the meeting link for more info. This is a safe place for an addict seeking sobriety to come in and ask for help. San Fransisco & Marin Co Online Meetings. 750 Mendocino Ave #10: Santa Rosa: Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open AA en Español Online Meeting: Online. Search 820 Marin St : Corning : Open Zoom only "It's All Good" meeting : Online . 21 Mar. com is your comprehensive online platform dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery. 750 Mendocino Ave #10: Santa Rosa: Location How to move an A. Powered By BlazeThemes. it runs 24 hr a day 7 days a week. Password 728947 Meeting Guide is a free mobile app for iOS and Android from A. Stay sober, stay close, put in the work. Meeting Directory for Pasadena AA Monterey Park Alcoholics Anonymous AA Ontario Alcoholics Anonymous AA Pasadena Alcoholics Anonymous AA Pomona Alcoholics Anonymous AA Rancho Alcoholics Anonymous AA Cucamonga Temporarily Inactive meetings may be active. Saturday, March 15, 2025. AA. Sunday, March 16, 2025. Meeting ID: 846 1503 *AA GUTS* (AA Grant Us the Serenity) is an online Zoom meeting that welcomes anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. We suggest attending at least six Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. REMEMBER - IF YOU CAN'T FIND A MEETING, CALL SOMEBODY! OUR 24 HOUR HELPLINE IS 1-800-326-2164 Answered by local AA members For all Zoom meetings, Password: 011862. Zoom I. We encourage you to As of midnight, March 16, San Francisco and Marin Counties have been issued “Shelter in Place” orders. SF/Marin) How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event; Search; Near Location; AA en Español Online Meeting: Online. 750 Mendocino Ave #10: Santa Rosa: Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting Today's AA Meetings in Spain . San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office. In-Person Attitude Adjustment Meeting Multiple Dates Monday 12PM - AA. Email [email protected] Waitsburg AA Website Meetings Saturday through Wednesday at 8pm Pacific Daylight Time. NA Meetings Marin County, California. Redding, CA : Shasta County : Discussion, Online Meeting, Open Here is where you can inlcude information about the ministry and how people can get involved. Home; AA Meetings Near Me; Marin City; For More Information on Meetings and Times Call: 1 (844) 915-3341. No event found! AA’s primary purpose: Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Events The Breakfast Club 930AM - AA. " and a box with your name in it. Password: 630593 . Questions or requests: tech@aasfmarin. Central Office is The public, aggregated meeting information in the guide below is as up-to-date as can be – There are currently 2050 A. Learn how to join and participate in online meetings with Zoom, a video conferencing platform. meetings in San Francisco and Marin Counties. D=Discussion. Central Office, Intergroup, its members and Board of Directors, take no position and make no representations nor guarantee that these meetings comply with current federal, state or local laws as they apply to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The inclusion of any organization, agency or service in this Resource Guide does not imply or Just as in the physical rooms, meetings on Zoom feature resentments, ringing phones, and other disturbances. Zoom link HERE Meeting ID: 847 7897 9833 Password: 1821 Provides a wide-range of communications support to Intergroup and its Board committees to improve the effectiveness of their The primary purpose of East Bay Intergroup is to help inform the greater community about AA and alcoholism so that those who need help can find recovery from alcoholism. 4am california time free zoom group, you can find link on my youtube. We host Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Monday 6:30pm Women's Meeting Malibu United Methodist Church Monday 8pm The Week That Was (Men's Stag) Our Lady of Malibu Church Monday 8pm AA Newcomers Candlelight Malibu Pacific Church Wednesday 7:30 As Bill Sees It Malibu United Methodist Church Thursday 6:30pm Women's Oceanside Book Study St. Currently it is connected to over 400 A. meeting online (from A. Monday evenings Weed Whackers. Online For Zoom users: With the rush to shift to online meetings, many of us did not take time to investigate what this meant to the spiritual foundation of our recovery – namely, anonymity. Today's AA Meetings . A pre-determined speaker will open the meeting by sharing a topic from an AA text, such as the Big Book or AA Grapevine. You can even filter it out to get just secular meetings available. Open: Open AA meetings in Massachusetts are available to anyone interested in the AA program of alcoholism recovery. message to the alcoholic who still suffers. You can create subpages for each ministry on the left hand side of the page if you have a lot of information and need to break it There are "check-in" meetings, literature studies, open sharing, share-your-problems meetings, speaker meetings, workshops, step meetings, and conferences around the world. ESF Zoom *Meeting Confirmation Available* El Sobrante Fellowship: Zoom. We are a cornerstone in the Alcoholics INFORM US OF NEW ONLINE MEETINGS! email: info@district14-aa. How to move an A. Find a Zoom meeting close to you and on the day/time you need on the AA website ‘Find Meetings’ page. Meeting ID: 884 2063 7962 Wednesday 7 AM 12 & 12. Can't stop drinking? Get connected. Central Office & Bookstore 1821 Sacramento Street San Francisco, CA 94109 Hotline: (415) 674 1821 To raise your hand in a Zoom meeting, click the “Raise Hand” icon on the bottom left of the Zoom window. 840 2738 0768. Sunday, March 23, 2025. Liens régionaux. AA meetings are where we connect with fellow sober alcoholics, and hear the solution. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA) MEETINGS ONLINE USING ZOOM Get link; Facebook; X; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; March 15, 2020 Malibu Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Directory. 323/SIP room systems. Must identify as Alcoholic/Desire to stop drinking to share. Bring a mask and a blanket/chair. Details. Midnite O=Open Meeting. 12:00 AA Noon Speaker (Outdoor Garden) 6:00 PM - Currently No Meeting. 7 AM Living Sober . groups in their common purpose of carrying the A. cudccafqsqmomirsahpntojmgkgvkvyksapcxtsnshierpwguvfjyjmaxlxhwbmnsmkgfnjup