Eve mining profit. Welcome to our Mining Guide.
Eve mining profit If you want to be a miner then you would be best to join a mining corp or atleast look up the eve wiki pages on mining. Hi, could a more experienced miner give me some help please. The corp will likely exploit you as much as it helps you which is a relationship you can trust in a way. Quick answer is that R32s, R64s, and 15% null ores are worth mining, otherwise you're making the same or less than just mining nullsec ore anomalies. There's a couple calculators and spreadsheets out there. They have people to teach industry, and they have people to teach pvp to give you a break from venture mining. Mining is probably the most sedate of all EVE income opportunities - once your mining I recently trained into deep core miners to try out mercoxite mining ive been told its profitable and worth the long training time per hour (I haven't calculated it) but my goal is a minimum of 1/4 to 3/4 billion ISK mined in the evenings to fund my EVE goals. Welcome to our Mining Guide. Hauling it around and the logistics, however, is a great pain. A venture cargo hold with 5000 units is like 40-60m isk and a Prospect is somewhere in the neighborhood You can also ask help from Eve Online community for reliable tips. Benefits of Using Moon Mining Profits Calculator. You'll want this anyway if you're using a probing ship to find the sites to begin with. Higher level mining missions require you to mine larger amounts of ore: Level 1 missions will require mining up to 2,000 m 3 of ore,; Level 2 up to 6,000 m 3 of ore, If you are doing this to make manufacturing profitable you are just a different kind of a "the minerals i mine are free" person API calls, etc. The Hulk has a cargo hold of 8000m^3 with no hull expansions. ADMIN I've heard that different mining commodities got nerfed some time ago; what's (in general) the most profitable thing to mine? upvote How do I mine in EVE Online? First, I'll quickly explain what mining is and how it works in EVE Online. Since the price there is Mining is not the most profitable endeavor in EVE. I think it’s an activity many of us measure in “fun/hour” rather than in ISK, but of course we like to be profitable, and mining can bring in quite a bit of money. 0 released! Update (2020/10/09): EVE Mining Kernite: the most profitable high-sec ore; New Mining Character Day 15 - Low Sec Mining; Selecting The Most Profitable Ore; EVE Mining: Using Secure Containers vs Jetcans; New Mining Character - Neural Remap and Attributes; New Mining Character Day 8 - Crossroads and Badger Mark II; Character Creation I’m not a miner and never will be. You can join a corporation/alliance in nullsec that has mining fleets with boosts to increase the yield, but it still won’t be the best. And doing it manually ca be a headache. If you get access to r32/r64 moons with you fleet of miners you can def make good profits to pled your toons Reply reply Yeah, don't make Eve a second job. system1 (system) Closed March 30, 2022, 11:19pm 5 if you're mining on a character not in a war-decced corp, sure, mine in an orca. google. EVE Echoes Industry Calculator Update (2020/10/14): EVE Echoes Industry Calculator 2. This is a guide on the basics of ore mining in Eve Online and what skills and ships help increase the overall profit from ore mining. Some features are: Some ghetto image I made of the spreadsheet: The spreadsheet itself: docs. 1. To get more skills you need money. Before I joined a nullsec Corp I would essentially sneak into NS and ninja mine mercoxcit in a ICE mining profits were up for a while after the ship changes. Question is what should i mine if i want to make as much as possible isk per hour while mining afk. Mining gas in a venture with out mining frigate V and T2 Gas harvesters is a waste of time. Currency in EVE is called ISK. i'd shy away from the bigger ships unless you're in a fleet. 23 Likes. Even with these changes I pretty much certainly won’t do it. It includes an in-depth comparison of all Mining Ships, types of resources, and more. I have Refining V and Refinery Efficiency III (working towards V) as well as the specific ore processing skills. If you want to mine to get into industry, don’t assume you have to start the production chain at the beginning. Vertically-integrated outfits that want to become more profitable need to mine more rocks, recruit more members, buy better equipment, etc. Mining ores was the most accesible thing, so I only recently looked at mining ice (sounds like it's similar profit to ores, just more work), and have not even considered mining planetary materials. Mining yield is the rate at which miners mine ore, ice, or gas. As you start out in EVE you don't have many skills and their levels aren't very high, so you need to get more skills and train them. com/spreadsheets/d/1LN91hSsSHwvXLEbPXBKCYBQHyWe-eRiesk5CBGprt2k/edit?usp=sharing Mining crystals can only be used on modulated ore mining modules (any Tech II module with "modulated" in its name) and the ORE deep core mining laser, and increase mining yield when mining a particular kind of ore (but give no benefit when mining another kind of ore). A bit meh, since it used to be that mining alts didn't really need refining skills, but here we are. I really enjoy mining and I heard you guys like spreadsheets so I've made one that calculates your mining yield based on your skill levels and fittings and it can calculate boosted yields as well. Do mining missions for LP and lvl4 missions. The in-game agency window will also show where you can find them. The EVE LinkNet is a non-profit community program that connects the right players with the right corporations. Also please use a refined ice. Even with Veldspar, that's still worth about 800k in these markets. You can then sort the information any which way you want. But you could have just been mining more, or doing something else that's even more profitable. Reply reply For example, using a modulated strip II with an A-type I crystal is a fairly economical solution that will mine you more than strip miner I but only if you have refining skills necessary trained. You can hit -41. There are some freely available tools like Eve ISK per Hour, though I personally prefer to write my own. Go to Eve r/Eve. Lots of people like ice mining though because you don't have to move around as much so it's much more of a chill semi afk experience Mining hasn't been the best method of making money in EVE for a very, very long time. Miners profitability. Mix it with some PI you could probably do some fuel block production to boost income, Mining hold of 11. Industry Gameplay Center. Eve Online - Day 1 Alpha ISK Guide: Pochven Venture Mining Deep Dive - YouTube This video describes ninja mining in Triglavian space: from navigating Pochven with inbound and outbound filaments, setting up efficient collection systems, to fitting a Venture easy for alpha clones. (All ores supported as well)-An expandable, automated, and comprehensive sheet that allows for one to co-ordinate and run mining operations efficiently. 3. Level 4 Mining Mission Summary. 5k m3 is the only thing which pushes me away of this ship. As the name suggests, a reliable tool calculates your ISK. All you need to start Trader101 Profitability Calculator This sheet provides a resource to help sell profitable items in any of the major trade hubs! It works with player structures you have added to the sheet. Um. Your venture can mine 4,166 in EVE Tycoon is a profit tracking and market management application for EVE Online. We are out to compete with other mining programs for the title of most profitable EVE Online miner. If the corp mining op is mining minerals for a titan, or an orca, it doesn't matter. Track trade and industry profits across all your characters, so you can be sure you're making a profit! For industrialists, EVE Tycoon tracks your production lines so you can see exactly how much you spent to build an item. It's slow and steady but there's definitely profit if you get lucky or join an existing Corp. For as long as you have gravel to much, the isk/hr scales pretty well be simply increasing the number of rorqs you're mining with. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships As mentioned by many others, alpha mining isn’t that profitable. The Refinery Efficiency skill is an industry skill that reduces refinery waste by 4% per level trained. Where I mine ice, it’s common to see 2-4 Orcas at a time. It’s relatievly easy to sell the ore you mine, though the profits may be relatively low for highsec miners. Scale - the real profitability in rorqs isn't in mining in a rorq, its multiboxing a fleet of them. Either go for scale or a lot of low effort hours (e. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Members Online • Trying to figure out how Moon Mining is profitable, and why there's so many fights over Technetium moons. From venture chilling with Project Discovery on top to L3 mining missions and Resource Wars. Ice wins over anything in 0. You'll need to learn how to scan down wormholes and cosmic signatures within the wormholes, then learn the basics for gas huffing. Moon mining profits calculator has a multitude of benefits to offer. 2 Likes. com Howdoi Shot's PI Profit Whizzbang Wizard - Sale. Granted, this statement is arguable, but there is no doubt mining can be very lucrative, albeit Mining is only somewhat profitable for multiboxers. Mindahouf_Davaham (Mindahouf Davaham (timestamps below)Access & save the Mining Support Tool: https://docs. 9 and 5/4/2 refining, 0 station standing. I like my porpoise for this reason. Gas sites are cosmic signatures so you need to scan them down. A Stand alone profit calculator for use with other EVE Online bot programs will be available soon. Train your 3rd account into a Porpoise, train for the Medium Asteroid Ore Compressor, and then train for the Mining Foreman Mindlink. There are 2 noob friendly ways of mining profitable gas solo. The Wizard HowDoI Shot' s Planet Interaction Profit Whizzbang Wizard, Don’ t Touch!->, Jita Sell, Bacteria, p3perplanet, 6 Desired Profit%, Shipping Cost per m3, Shipment Cost Value%( Collat), Brokers Fee, Sales Also, by creating that disconnect, you can use profits from one step to feed into another step. I'd like to mine ore or ice in my free time when i have some work on my pc (thats a lot of time). In order to maximize the mining mining laser range, and minimize the mining laser cycle time for a mining fleet, you need to have a perfect booster pilot in either an Orca for high security space, or a Rorqual for other areas of space. But if you want to give it a shot and find out, you should hook up with one of the nullsec newbie alliances. These sites are just anomalies. You will be offered a choice of many interesting articles, useful functions, calculators and much more. this is the most expensive option There should only be friendly players in the system you are mining in, if anyone else warps into the system, be prepared to warp and dock at the nearest station. If you run corp mining ops it is either 100% or it just a group mining op with a real shitty buyback. Lots of how to videos for gas huffing on YouTube. You'll do better than 6m/hr with boosts but you won't go much past 30m/hr. As all mining modules mine a certain volume of ore/ice/gas in a given time, the amount of ore/ice/gas mined therefore depends on this mining rate (often quoted in m 3 per minute) and on the volume of the ore/ice/gas (m 3) being mined. Mining crystals are available for each class of moon ore to improve efficiency of Tech After reading about some guy making 800m an hour using his 12 alts in a mining fleet I decided to create my own, albeit, with a few less alts. I would usually mine and fill up with 3 miasmos 's of compressed ore or ice to take back to reprocess or sell. i firmly stand by my statement that 15mil/hour is not an unreachable target for a high sec solo miner based on current market values of minerals. This massively parallel isk printing method is what fuels the industrial backbone of nullblocs. But I have talked to several miners about this idea I came up with to address the fact that solo mining even on omega is not worthwhile. Have you guys had any luck Ice Mining over Ore Mining? Is Ice more profitable? I do Ice mining for fuel production. Maximize Bitcoin mining profits and calculate ROI for new ASIC miners. 6% cycle time on your Porpoise boosts while the industrial core is active, which equates to 70% more yield per barge you boost, and you won't need a Miasmos when you have the Porpoise offering 60,000 M3 in the mining hold plus If you want the most profitable HS mining operation you need to place buy orders for ore cheap throughout new eden so the carebears whose "minerals are free if I mine them myself" cash out with you instead of hauling to a trade hub. Way to risky to mine in lowsec unless your in the larger groups. 2. I also were idealistic miner like you, but multiboxers don't give a shit about others who want to enjoy the game Mining is the activity of extracting ore from asteroids, though it is also used to describe ice harvesting and more rarely, gas cloud harvesting. Hulk Mining is profitable anywhere. Why . These two things are so crucial in so many ways in Eve. There is a lot of possibilities still, Are you using Modulated Strip Miners? Deep Core? How active is the space in null you're mining. I love salvaging after supers and exploring for relic sites. Also ore is much easier to ship around and sell. Also, do some missions to raise your concord sec status so more fleets are available to you. They'll assist you better with mining fits and improving isk/hr. Is that decent or can I go at I remember talking with my mining fleet earlier today about how the most “acceptable” profit income I had noticed from mining/industry up until this point was coming from a Megathron build and sell, with an acceptable margin of risk being restricted to 0. Nah, not if he finds a good spot off the beaten path. is gas mining worth it it cost 30 mill to get the skill book and puls has high risk is it worth it? Lastly, on paper, yes gas is profitable. Is it just a sheer volume/fleet operation? The scale that must be needed for that to make a decent profit must This activity requires specialized drones or modules and is generally less profitable than Ore Mining (because of a long Ice Belts respawn timer). I wanted to figure out whether Alpha Clone Mining can actually be profitable This guide will show you the basics of mining and how to move on to become a professional miner. After extraction, the mining is performed using the same mining equipment and processes used for asteroid Mining. do that and mining frig 4 to make it bearable. additionally, we can get 2 +5% mining yield implants, some t2 mining drones going, and also the cheeky 10% yield fleet bonus if there are some kind souls in local. Mining & Extraction. Don't put them in the same belts, you will just punch yourself in the dick when you realize you are clearing out ore and leaving them AFK mining nothing. Low sec gas was revamped recently and is really valuable. Io Koval: d-scan and bookmarks. I haven't died ever with a procurer/orca setup. When I recently started playing EVE, mining seemed like a decent way to make ISK. Live income estimates of all known ASIC miners, updated every minute. Evepraisal can be integrated into Google Sheets, which also integrates directly with ESI Ore mining is pointless for the most part, so you could spend downtime ice mining, but solo ice mining would be tedious and not overly profitable. These refined substances are used in I am making about 400-420k ISK per one full ore hold (I am mining whatever actually yields most money, the resulting profit per full cargo being mostly the same). prospect mines as much as a venture but drastically more expensive and only 2x the cargohold. Once a moon chunk has been extracted using a Refinery, it exists as an asteroid field which contains special moon-specific ores. But what I was trying to say is the Eve economy is kind of like real life and plex is the gold of New Eden haha, having isk sitting around in large quantity is just a waste really. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Both require a venture (train mining frigate as high as possible, that's the only skill you need. Trying to calculate how moon mining . Corp mining ops should be reserved for limited times and clear goals stated for it. or in most cases the Corp uses them for ship production to sell at further profit. Traders can keep their market orders up Mining in EVE is not complicated, and in high security systems it is relatively safe. com ore calculator and assumed a trit value of 1. I do both, less for profit but for building and production. 42. Eve Online Ore Mining Guide - Saarith Gaming. I understand the reaction principles to turn Raw moon goo into T2 Materials, but is there money in just setting up a harvester on a moon and letting it run 24/7? Mining kernite is as profitable as the T1 scoops on a venture. The most complete Guide to Mining in EVE Online. You can mine solo, but be ready for zero or negative profit. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Question has anyone worked out and published what the max amount per hour for each mining barges, exhumers, orcas and rorquals yet? Im talking max skill with and without boosts? Obviously isk per hour will vary depends on if your in high sec, low, null or wormholes. It can require a lot of work. Ventures are dirt cheap and one haul of gas will pay off investment plus profit. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Members Online • kippins101. Learn more It’s really about slow and steady gains with high sec mining. I can generally do that in 2-3 hours with my booster + 6 barge/exhumer accounts i would become a miner beacause i think make battleship with plans is really profitable. Yea we recently had a big shack up. An unboosted Venture can make 34m/hr and costs, like, 2. EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay Center » Science & Industry » Trying to calculate how moon mining is even profitable. -A mining calculator that will tell you exactly how much ore you're mining, as well as the Isk per unit and Isk per hour of said ore. I believe there are lists on the wiki. The more I learned about the game, the more I realized that mining t2 gas harvesters almost double your rate on a venture, and it's like 5 d of training, defo worth it you have four options: - set up an orca and a miner, you can do it on one account, theoretically, better to do it on two accounts, get a cloak and a probe launcher on the orca, just in case, and day-trip. This gives a value per veld unit of 5. Gas mining is very profitable for a newbie, since you don't need much in the way of skills or isk investment. High end PVE (Abyss, incursions, c5-6 wormholes, pochven) is the way to go. But are just as Provided you are mining the high profitable ore in highsec you should make about 10m an hour per retriever using tech 1 strip miners and meta 4 mining upgrades. In this document, we hope to teach you how to mine ore, how to haul it, how to jet-mine in groups, the basics of miner security and aggression rights, the values of various ores, and how to refine ore for profit, along with the basics of mining ships and haulers. Mining in high-sec will not be the only thing which I will do, I will want to move to low-sec spaces as well to mine different ore/ice/cloud, potentially to have the most fun of the game I will visit null-sec as well (would be better to visit it with a group of people). Profits calculated over 200+ coins and 25+ algorithms. For example, instead of running all of your own reactions to feed your production, run one reaction with a higher profit margin, sell that, and use the profits to buy reactions that have lower profit margins. Moon Ore Mining. It will go through each and every item in the citadel and compare the prices to the major hub selected. It's very dependent on the type of gas you harvest, but you can get up to 100m isk/h Wormholes are the easiest place to find good gas, look at this, pay attention to isk/m3 . With the ore in null. Whenever I talk to new players I always tell them that mining is generally not worth it unless you’re in nullsec, and not just omega but have The Eve-Online Academy Guide to Mining. Refinery Efficiency. Their profitability is always going to bear a basically linear relation to man-hours invested, so from an individual's point of view it On mining, there is profit potential but it takes a great deal of time to train the skills needed to pull in the 20-30 mil per hour to be comparable to other professions, and even that requires team work. If you really want to get decent isk/hr (50-60m/hr in a barge), you'll want to mine in nullsec. If you want to mine in mindless safety I'd recommend joining the Amarr Mining Campus of Eve University. Hi, im new to eve and i just paid my first monthly subs. This is a EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. 94 votes, 52 comments. In eve you undock to a lossmail, its how you mitigate loss and manage profit that determines your bottom line Hello! I am rather new to Eve, having just picked it up about a month and a half ago. Mining and distribution missions are pretty easy and usually don't involve I would recommend getting a mining barge, and joining a corp that has active mining boosts that occur, solo mining in highsec is profitable but not very smart in terms of time. If you haul the ore yourself, refine all the minerals, and sell or produce with them, then sure, you will make more money on paper. Come mine with us and connect up with the fellow pilots. For pure mining there is no better for a player with 1 account than gas mining in low sec. , set up mining - go make dinner - reset rock target - go eat dinner - etc) Low Fun/hour is the most important part of Eve. A note on word usage - the term "mining yield" here refers to the above Eve-mining website is a place where any miner will find something useful for himself. Also, a cloaking device is idea as you'll be able to hide if some one starts to scan for your ship. At first it seemed like a pretty cool activity with linear progression: you start with high sec veldspar mining in a venture and climb your way up the isk/hr ladder with, as everything in eve, higher risk bringing higher profit. Mining is one of the simplest ways of getting money in EVE. Don’t waste your time with T1. Convert LP to profits to buy better mining ships or implants so that you skill up faster. Whether using a Rorqual is necessarily safe or reasonable isn't a question that can easily be answered in a I personally prefer anom mining to ice mining, at least in my part of null anom mining pays, on avg, more than ice if you aren't cherry picking. In diesem Eve Online Anfänger Guide zeige ich, wie ihr mit Mining ISK verdienen könnt und worauf ihr achten solltet, damit ihr erste Erfolge beim Mining erzi Accurate Bitcoin mining calculator trusted by millions of cryptocurrency miners since 2013. I would also recommend trying to find moon ore that you can mine in high sec with a corporation because moon ore is valuable and is easy to mine with a corp that boosts /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Moon mining profitability . Topic is locked indefinitely. Ice mining is especially chill, the mining effects are so peaceful. I even went to mine on lowsec some days ago for the career points. Do mining drones work on ice, or there aren’t any drones for frigate ice mining? As already linked, only Ice mining drones can mine ice. It is a clear cut goal made as a corp event that everybody gets in on. Mining in lower security space can increase profits but also increases the level of risk, as players may frequently try to attack you. If your long term goal is to efficiently mine ore for your own use and/or for profit, then you probably want to follow a career path that goes something like this: Start with Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres and Plagioclase ore in high security systems, Go to Eve r/Eve. For example, if you mine a bunch of Veldspar that’s worth 10m, instead of subtracting 10m from your material costs you enjoy your Most of my play is LS mining, belt ratting and PI 2 years in and have spent 99% of that time in LS From what I learned solo mining LS gas/ice and fairly lucrative 'roids how do However, this guide will cover one of EVE’s most available and profitable profession: mining. 6 sec and above (this allows for the most expensive portions of the build to be Most of my play is LS mining, belt ratting and PI 2 years in and have spent 99% of that time in LS From what I learned solo mining LS gas/ice and fairly lucrative 'roids how do folks make worthwhile ISK in HS with generally cheaper raw materials around. Mining missions are given by Mining agents and require you to mine an asteroid or set of asteroids in a mission pocket - usually until the asteroids are depleted - and bring the ore back to the agent. The only ores you will find now are mercoxit, bistot, arkanor, keternite, and pyroxers. Ice belts spawn in fixed systems. This is a good skill to train up because selling minerals is much more profitable than selling raw ore. Ice Harvesting skill can be learned by Alpha Clones (max level of this skill for Highsec mining, you really need to join a boost fleet. 9sec. <br><br> Boosting<br> Buyback<br> Community<br> Ship Replacement 4. I wonder if you could make ISK by just buying the ore, refining it and selling the refined minerals for a profit. 5) The production calculator will help you calculate the cost To compare this to mining veldspar, I used the eve-i. To make things easy I'm going to use T1 Strip Miners, no rigs, all 3 MLU T2 in the lows and 1 flight of t2 mining drones and assume we're talking about easy access to ABCs in null (from the respawning belts) and regular belt ore for HS. So your conclusion is wrong with whats most profitable to mine. I've been a miner ever since I started eve which was just few months ago. Raw kernite sells for 900 to 1000 ISK per unit in most places. 5m? If I am in highsec and mining in a procurer and an orca. But due to how easy it now is to semi AFK ice mine ICE has dropped way down in value. Updated in 2025, the newest version of the BTC mining calculator makes it simple and easy to quickly calculate mining profitability for your Bitcoin mining hardware. So I know gneiss and spod are generally the best ores for a rorq in anomalies, but what are the best in moon mining? Is it worth mining the moon ores or are the +15% yield arkonor rocks better? Finally someone who likes to play mining in unorthodox ways insread of buy Barge/Rorqual and sit on a moon. Bear in mind that any logistics or hauling you do beyond the mining cuts into your isk/hour. Yeah so pretty much yet another rant post. T2 only takes 5 days to train. In my experience they are more abundant in wh’s but the low sec gasses are more profitable. I mine for profit. As a solo miner in HS, don’t focus on profit right away. Make sure to also train the appropriate Social skills Connections/Negotiation/Mining Cerlestes' Ore Table is a daily updated, highly informative and easy-to-read source of information about mining in the EVE Online universe. Mining - gas huffing in ventures is a great return on investment. For those of you who mine with a fleet on a regular basis, how do you calculate the payouts for each member? EVE Online Forums Mining Fleet Payouts. Reply reply More replies. Once extracted, ore can then be refined into minerals. Thats not my point. I am mining pretty fast, and Im at virtually no risk. Mining at anomalies is usually more profitable, so I recommend prioritizing mining anomalies over asteroid belts, although both will net you good ISK. I use nothing but cheap ventures and miasmos haulers. I can do this content when ever and I never have to dock up. Higher mining speeds + in belt compression so that you can keep mining for hours without having to constantly go empty. I started with low security kernite farming and I advanced to low security gas mining. I'm providing the sheet completely freely to everyone. It’s not. . The mining calculator will help you calculate the volume and time of resource extraction. Calculation of the mining profit - EVE Miner has a statistic tab where you record the achievements during mining. Open the advanced settings 5. g. You won't have as high yield as mining in a barge, but you can 1- mine in a group and boost for them 2- fit a stronger tank and 3- not have to worry about warping back to a citadel to drop off ore every 5 nanoseconds. I have a few questions regarding my fledgling mining fleet for all of you experienced players who do this kind of thing often. I do all sorts of mining stuff depending on season. Currently the plan is to have an Orca pilot boosting three covetors. Fuel blocks have dropped from 16-20k isk/unit to 12-14k isk/unit. Of course you can use Orcas to boost a fleet and as long as you are halfway active and use them for Ice mining, you’d be fine (mostly). bgkxy rvyx fxjgxh syzbxk qgxtn pogr zzopv keqd wpq sylc gno lwzpp tldmlpf jwr czfawz